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He threw a loud windshield wiper laugh, which I heard after ages again.

"You've changed a lot Y/n!" His eyes widened a bit.

"Look at yourself first Jin! You're a grown ass man now!"

I patted his shoulder, as he gave me a proud smirk.

"Are you hungry?" He asked, glancing around.

"Not that much, I just-"

"Fine. I'm getting some drinks!"

He turned around to see a cute coffee cafe, at the corner. I passed him a smile and chuckled.

"For me."

He raised his eyebrows, and took large steps towards the cafe sassily.

This guy!

I sighed and ran behind him.

"Yah Jin! It's not fair!"

Giggling, I followed him inside the coffee shop.

"Two Caramel Frappuccinos please..." He threw a smile, while paying for the drinks.

We quickly took seats in one of the corners, from where the beauty of the park was visible. The sunny day, and the warm breeze made the vibe more better.

"So, tell me about your life."

He smiled, as he placed his chin on his palm.

"A lot of things happened Jin..."

I nodded, recalling all the good and bad memories. Our drinks arrived, as we took a sip.

"To be honest, when you left, I cried a lot..."

I stated blankly, as my eyes began watering. My eyes met his concerned ones.

"I hate you for leaving me alone. I didn't have anyone to share my problems. I just became an introvert, and kept all the feelings inside me."

He kept staring at me blankly, totally engaged into the conversation.

"But as we say, after every storm there is sunshine...Soon, everything became normal. I met a lot of friends in my high school, especially when I met Taylor. She was my greatest support after you."

"Oh, then she must be your best friend right?"

My smile quickly faded away, as I took another sip of my drink. He noticed the change in my expression, and frowned.

"No, I was blind. I trusted her and didn't realized she was jealous of me the whole time, cause I used to score more than her. She demotivated me and blamed me for fucking useless reasons everytime. One of her advantage was that her father was the principal. So, I was stuck and messed up real bad."

He nodded in understanding.


"The students used to bully me everyday, as I didn't defend myself. I had to put a fake smile on my face, and convince my parents, that I was okay. My life was a mess. But in all this mess, I found a person. Again..."

"Who...?" He paused and looked at me.

"Kai...He was my ex-boyfriend..."

"What do you mean by 'ex'?" He raised his eyebrow.

"He was worse..." I chuckled sarcastically, as he sighed while rolling his eyes.

"We dated for an year. He was pretty nice and sweet at first, a perfect boyfriend, I had ever dreamed of. I thought, I finally found my soulmate.  Life was going on smoothly. But then, he slowly showed his true colours when he found out I was an introvert and so called 'nerd'."

The Nerd and the Tomboy || PJMWhere stories live. Discover now