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Ashton's POV

From:Unknown Number

Hey Ash, its Michael. Ariana gave me your number and she told me that you were a drummer. Me and a couple of friends have started a band and we need a drummer. If you're interested ask Ariana for my address and meet us there when you're free :)


That sounds great! Sure I'll be there! Is tonight okay around 5ish?


It sure is! See you then! 

I unlocked the door and saw Ariana standing in the kitchen yelling at someone. I entered the kitchen and she was alone, then she turned to the side and I caught a glimpse of her white iPhone pressed against her ear.

"Fuck off! You ditched me, I'm ditching you!"

It must be Kayla, we just had an argument and I stormed out and now she's arguing with my sister. I took her phone out of her hand and she began to smile as she knew I was going to stick up for her.

"Hey Kayla"

"Ashton" she breathed

"Stop being a bitch to my sister. Just because we fell out doesn't mean that she's going to accept you after you ditched her and literally clinged to me for all of that time. Ariana doesn't need you and if you hurt my sister again we're over okay? So don't call her again. She doesn't want to be friends and that's fucking obvious because you ditched her and you didn't even notice that she was there most of the time. If I knew you were going to be like this I would have never have asked you out! I'm slightly glad about this because she's found someone who loves her and won't ditch her so yeah. Goodbye Kayla!" I hung up the phone and immediately wrapped my arms around her.

"Thank you" Ariana whispered.

"No problem. I'm going to Michael's soon about this band" She looked surprised that I had actually accepted Michael's invitation.


I knocked on the front door awkwardly and a tall blonde boy answered the door. He smiled and moved away from the door to let me inside the posh house, I was not expecting Michael's house to be like this.

He introduced himself as Luke and I'm guessing Michael had told him about me as he knew my name was Ashton. Luke led me down to the basement where Michael and another boy were sitting.

"Ash! This is Luke and Calum!" I greeted Calum as I had already greeted Luke upstairs.

I took a seat on the leather drum stool and picked up a pair of drumsticks. I counted myself in and began to play a beat to American Idiot by Green day. Once I was finally finished they all smiled to me and had a small discussion.

"Welcome to 5 Seconds Of Summer!" They cheered simultaneously causing us all to erupt into a fit of laughter.

"We booked a gig at a pub in town, a couple of weeks ago but we've been advertising for a drummer since then. So you've really saved us there" Calum chuckled.

I smiled and stood up from the drum stool and made my way over to them. We exchanged numbers and they told me the date for the gig. Maybe this band was going to be good enough to take off and explore the world.

Calum told us that he had been writing songs when he was alone and bored. He grabbed Michael's acoustic guitar and began to strum it and sing softly to a song he had written.

"Calum! That was amazing!" Luke shouted.

"Thanks. Its called unpredictable"

That song was the beginning for all four of us..

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