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Ariana's POV

"Hey guys, did you have a good day?" My mum asked as I stumbled through the front door behind Ashton and Lauren. Harry had somehow beat us all here although we were all walking together.

Nobody responded with proper words just groans and inaudible mumbles which was normal for all four of us. Ashton and I are similar as my mother seems to believe. She thinks that we do things the same and little things we do remind her of eachother. Honestly, I don't get it.

"Mum, Can Kayla come over?" I asked and leant against the doorway in the modern kitchen.

She nodded her head and began to hum along to the radio which was blasting pop songs, I had no idea which song it was as I stuck to bands such as Greenday, All Time Low and Nirvana. I loved other bands aswell I just seemed to listen to these three bands the most.


come over pleaaase


Is Ash there? ;)


Yeah, unfortunately.


Coming!!!! x

I rolled my eyes and sat down on my bed and stared out of the window like I usually did. Sydney was such a beautiful place, during the day and during the night. Looking out at the view makes me calm for some reason. It just relaxes me and reminds me that this is home and it always will be.

"Hey, Kayla. Ariana is upstairs, I'll escort you up" I heard Ashton's voice and realized I had been in a day dream and hadn't even noticed that the doorbell had chimed. Oops?

"Thanks, Ashton"

Kayla entered my room giving Ashton a loving smile before closing the door and squealing. I raised my eyebrows in amusement and tried to hold back a smile. I loved seeing her happy because her eyes would light up even more.

"Do you think he likes me?" Oh god, not again.

"I dont know. I haven't asked" I mumbled.

"Well go and ask him.. right now!" my eyes widened as I stood up from my bed and smirked as I left the room and slowly walked down the hallway to Ashton's bedroom door.

Without knocking I entered his room and mentally thanked him for not doing anything inappropriate. He hadn't noticed that I had entered causing me to peer over his shoulder at what he was writing.

Everywhere I looked had the same thing. 'Kayla' or 'Kayla Irwin' with hearts surrounding it. Honestly, I found this slightly creepy so I backed out of the room successfully without him hearing a thing.

"so?" she asked as I entered the room.

"Oh, he definitely likes you" My eyes widened as I leant against my door and shook it off.

"What?" she squealed.

"He's at his desk doodling in his notebook. I took a closer look and your name is written all over the page with hearts and he even wrote Kayla Irwin. So good luck, you have found yourself a creepy stalker"

She rolled her eyes and got up to leave my bedroom. I laughed as she gave me a nervous smile and headed down the hallway. I hope she's happy with him and I hope he's happy with her. They deserve to be happy right?.

I crept down the hallway and peered into Ashton's bedroom through a slight gap in the door which was slightly ajar. There they were, my bestfriend and my brother. Kissing. Looks like there's a new beginning for them.

Wrong Number M.Cحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن