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Ariana's POV

Looks like Ashton and Barbie skipped school again since I'm sitting alone in maths. Why do we have to have maths every day of the week?. Atleast I get a footrest every day because she never attends maths class.


Loser, I'm dying to meet you :( x


I will meet you this weekend, discuss time and place later okay? x


holy shit, YES ofcourse x

I smiled and focused on maths since I actually needed to learn this stuff in order to pass, Michael soon invaded my thoughts again and I couldn't believe what was happening. I'm finally meeting him.

What if he doesn't feel the same way? You will look stupid! Don't you dare confess to him and mess up your friendship. You need him.

Luckily me and Michael had previously discussed what area we live in and coincidentally we live in the same area. If this was happening with someone else and I hadn't skyped them I would refuse to meet up with them but I know Michael is sincere. He wouldn't hurt me, ever.

Incoming Call:Mikey

"Hey, did you have a better day?" He asked.

"Yeah, I guess. Did you have a good day?" I asked hoping too move on from this topic quickly.

"Yeah, how come you actually answered? You're normally with your siblings?"

"I'm walking alone today because Lauren and Harry are going to some party and guess where Ashton and Kayla are?" I mumbled and kicked a rock.

"I'm guessing they skipped" he sighed.


"Ariana, I'm sorry. I can't wait until I meet you finally." I could practically hear him smiling which warmed my heart.

I hope he feels the same way that I do, we have been speaking for a few months and I have noticed that occasionally he flirts. I do it back because I like him, is that a sign that he likes me too?.

"Hello? Ariana?" I snapped out of my thoughts and laughed at my stupidity. There's no way that someone as perfect as Michael Clifford would like me.

"Sorry" I giggled nervously as I approached my front door.

"I'm hungry"

"Make food then" I pointed it out as if it was the obvious thing to do.

"No!" He whined.

"Uh- order pizza?" I remembered that he loves pizza so what would be a better time too have some?.

"No because then I don't get to hear your beautiful voice" he sounded sad and he was mumbling a lot.

"Mikey, are you sure you're okay?"

"Y-yeah. I-i just miss you, i-i know I haven't m-met you but I m-miss y-you so m-much" my heart panged as I heard the boy I'm in love with cry. This has only happened a couple of times and I wasn't expecting him to cry over me.

"Mikey, as soon as I see you at the weekend I'll make it up too you" I bit my lip as his cries ceased. I didn't want to cry but if he cried anymore I would break down.


"I-i love you Ariana" Michael spoke.

"I love you too" I smiled and felt goosebumps appear along my arms.

"Bye" we said simultaneously and hung up.

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