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Ariana's POV

*Next Day*

The final bell of the day rang. I rushed out of my English classroom and headed towards my locker. I froze in front of my locker as soon as I saw what had happened.

I had egg shells and yolk stuck on my locker with a lot of flour somehow stuck in the runny yolk and someone had written all over my locker door.





Die Bitch.

My hands shook as I unlocked my locker and ignored the rapid tears that were falling out of my eyes. I grabbed my things out of it and slammed it shut before running out of school. I had no idea who did this and I had no intention to find out.

The words spun around in my head as I walked home. I kept crying until I felt lightheaded and weak. I heard my name being called and it sounded somewhat familiar. I wiped my eyes and spun around and saw Calum rushing towards me. What was he doing here?.

"I was heading back from the mall and realised that this is your school and then I spotted you so I thought I'd walk you home since you're alone" I smiled weakly at him and he looked sympathetic.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I shook my head and sniffled.

The rest of the walk home was silent but it was a comfortable silence and I didn't really care that I barely knew him, he cares and that's all that matters right now.

"Thanks for walking me home Cal, it was really nice of you" I hugged him quickly and said goodbye before watching him walk past and head to his house.

I rushed up to my bedroom and fell flat on my bed and began to cry once more.



I sat up on my bed and switched my laptop on and waited for it to load before seeing that Mikey was online on Skype so I quickly pressed call and hid my face behind a pillow.

"Hey. Cal told me that you were crying, what's happened beautiful?" I slowly looked up at the screen and sighed.

"Someone threw eggs and flour at my locker and wrote mean things all over it. They wrote that I was a slut, a whore, fat, ugly and that I should die. Maybe I should die then I won't be here and everyone will be happy" I cried harder and buried my head in my pillow.

"Fucking hell" he gasped.

"I'm coming over, don't you dare do anything stupid. okay, I love you" and with that his face disappeared from the screen.

I switched my laptop off and put it on the floor and just stared out of my bedroom window in search for the red haired boy. I saw him and he was jogging. No way! Michael never jogs, he hates it.

I heard the door open and close and luckily nobody else was home so they wouldn't be scared that someone just walked into our house. His footsteps sped up as he ran upstairs and then he burst into my bedroom and rushed over to my bed where I was sitting holding a pillow.

He slowly took the pillow from my grasp and sat down against the wall on my bed and pulled me onto his lap. His arms tightened around me as I cried onto his shoulder. He whispered reassuring words into my ear and kept pressing kisses to my cheeks.

"P-Please don't cry" his voice sounded a little shaky meaning that he was close to crying which I didn't want to happen.

"Don't c-cry over m-me Mikey" I sobbed and I heard him sniffle. Too late.

I held him tighter as we both sat on my bed sobbing. I felt a little bit better knowing I was in his arms and that he would protect me and it made me love him even more if that was possible.


I sniffled and finally stopped crying after an hour and a half. My eyes stung and were probably bloodshot and puffy. I pulled back and saw Michael's were similar. I kissed his tearstained cheeks and ran my fingers through his soft red hair.

"Sorry" I laughed awkwardly.

"What for?"

"Making you cry. That wasn't my intention" I bit my lip and looked down.

"I was crying because you were, my princess is upset and nothing I said was working and I just started crying because I couldn't make you happy. I'm so sor-"

"Don't you dare apologise this isn't your fault!" I cut him off and he smiled softly causing me to return it.

We cuddled again for a little bit and it felt right again, not crying but being here, in Michaels arms. I was sure that he could hear my heart pounding inside the silent room.

"Thanks for being here for me, I really appreciate it. I love you Mikey" I planted a kiss on his cheek and he quickly said that he loved me too.

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