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Ariana's POV

I was going to be late if Ashton doesn't hurry up in the bathroom. Seriously! how long does it take to brush your teeth and do your business. It takes any normal person a couple of minutes but for Ashton. It takes so long that it feels like years. Okay, that's slightly exaggerated.

He finally exited the bathroom and I shoved him out of the way so that I could get ready whilst I still had barely enough time to get ready for school. I smelt Ashton's aftershave as I usually would but for some reason it's stronger today.

I guess Kayla likes it, I just hope she doesn't suffocate when he hugs her and she buries her face in his chest.

After finishing in the bathroom I stalked back to my bedroom and closed the door and pulled on some underwear and then picked out some black skinny jeans with a burgundy Jack Daniels sweater and finished my outfit with some black vans.

I applied my makeup quickly which just consists of concealer, foundation, eyeliner, mascara and red lipstick.

Kayla is standing at the bottom of the stairs with Ash beside her, his hand secured around her waist and his lips occasionally kissing her temple. Lauren and Harry followed me downstairs and we began the short walk to school.

I have to admit, this was weird walking to school with Kayla. Usually we would meet her there but I guess I will have to get used to this since they're dating now.

I bent down to give Harry and Lauren a hug before watching them run off into their school. Once they disappeared we walked past and fast approached our school. I would do anything to be able to go back to primary school, I miss it so much.

"Ariana, Barbie 1, 2 and 3 are heading this way!" Kayla whispered.

"There is so many Barbie's in this school, I don't get how you could give each of them a number" I sighed and approached my locker and put in my combination.

I put my bag inside and watched Ashton and Kayla walk away from me and head to their lockers. Wow, thanks. I grabbed my books and decided that I will meet her in class. I prepared myself before she walked in, I knew that today's conversation would consist of dresses, shoes, Ashton, food, music and more Ashton.

I almost forgot that my brother was in this class so it didn't surprise me when she sat down with him instead of me. No big deal right? She was my only friend in this class and now she's sitting furthest away from me. No, it doesn't matter. No big deal.

Somehow I managed to convince myself that this was a one time thing and that she would sit with me again in the next lesson we have together which seemed to be maths. I hate maths more than anything.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I looked down, confused. I pulled it out of my pocket too see a text from my mother telling me that she will be late home because of a meeting at work. I quickly type a reply before focusing on the history lesson.


I strolled into my maths class and sat in my usual spot, back right hand corner and waited for Kayla to enter and fill the empty spot beside me. I had been alone over break and dinner and now it was finally last period.

I waited, and waited for Kayla to enter the room, I hoped she got held back or something and that she was on her way. I was wrong though, the bell rang signalling that school was over. Kayla ditched. She ditched me and her lessons.

Wow. Thanks best friend.

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