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Luke's POV

"Mikey, Are you going to ask her out soon?" Calum asked whilst I was still staring at his hair. It looked amazing and Ariana had been obsessing about it to me on snapchat last night.

"I don't know. What if she doesn't feel the same?" I slammed my head on the lunch table and hoped Michael got the point.

The headache was worth it if he was going to grow balls and ask Ariana to be his girlfriend. We didn't even need to ask Ariana how she felt because it was obvious by the way they look at each other and how they act around each other.

"Maybe I will then" he huffed.

"You really should, its going to happen sooner or later anyway. Just confess your love for her and kiss her and then ask her. Girls like romantic shit right?" I asked and Calum chuckled.

"Take her out somewhere like the movies or a restaurant or even McDonalds I don't know. Just take her somewhere and just be yourself and then ask her when your ready" Calum suggested.

"You've had a girlfriend before haven't you?" Cal shook his head and laughed.

"You must have! you wouldn't know how to do romantic shit otherwise!" I argued but he still shook his head and tapped his nose.

"I asked Ariana for you. I said I was thinking about asking a girl out and asked her on what I should do and what her dream date would be and there you have it." he smirked.

Why didn't I come up with that? I've had girlfriends before and I never did any romantic shit because they didn't exactly like it so I guess I never really had to bother.

Ariana will be Michael's first kiss, first date and first girlfriend. He feels like this was fate, the wrong number lead him to happiness with Ariana and I have never seen him being in love like this before.

Ariana's POV

"Hey slut, why did you say that it was all a joke? you know it was far from that!" Kayla spat as she stood in front of me.

"Because I'm not a bitchy backstabber like somepeople" I spat and slammed my locker and walked away from her, its not like she could catch me she can't even walk in those heels.


Princess :( xxxxx


Yeah, Mikey? xxxx


I miss you so much xxxxx


I'll see you after school poohead xxxxx


yay! love you xxxx


love you too, ya dork xxxx

I rushed to class since I would be late if I walked any slower. I took my seat just as our teacher entered the room and slammed the door and also locked it.

Mr Daniels always locks the door so if any students are late they can't enter and disrupt the learning and they would get detention and would be sent to the principle.

He began to lecture us about Biology and it sucked. I hate biology as much as I hate Kayla. Which is a lot by the way. He was talking about evolution and I almost fell asleep. I never connect with his lessons because they drag so much.

I rushed out of the classroom once the bell chimed and I grabbed my things and left the gates spotting Michael instantly. He took my hand and lead us to the pizzeria which is situated around the corner luckily.

I ordered pepperoni pizza and Michael ordered the same and we just started a conversation immediately and I couldn't help but smile at how close we have gotten recently.

My heart rate picked up speed rapidly when I would do anything that revolves around him and I really want to tell him how much he means to me and how much I love him but the doubt in my mind always stops me from saying the words that could potentially change everything.

The pizza came and we began to eat almost instantly. Me and Michael always shared a love for pizza and it would always be a suggestion if one of us is hungry.


He took hold of my hand again as I noticed we were heading towards the beach for some reason. I had only been here a few times with my family but that's it.

We sat down on the warm, golden sand and his soft hand drew patterns on the top of my hand. I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, this is perfect.

"A-Ariana?" he stuttered to which I replied with a hum.

"I-i need to tell you something"

I sat up and nodded for him to continue. He smiled softly and then looked down at our hands before looking back up and letting his eyes meet mine.


"You?" I tried to get him to talk but he wouldn't. He kept stumbling over his words which was extremely adorable. I ran my fingers over his hand to try and comfort him a little.

"I'm in love with you" he blurted out.

My heart stopped and I tried to process what he had just told me only seconds ago. He loves me too! He does feel the same!.

"its o-" I cut him off by attaching my lips to his. My heart was literally slamming against my ribcage as I felt him relax into the kiss and slowly moved his lips against mine.

He pulled away and his cheeks were tinted pink as mine were also.

"Will you be my girlfriend Ariana?" I nodded and kissed him again. I can't believe this is really happening, I'm actually finally kissing Michael's soft pink lips after so long of being in love with him I finally get to call him my boyfriend.

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