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Ariana's POV

"Morning loser" Ashton spat and he reeked of alcohol, it was obvious what he had been doing last night.

"Fuck off" I cursed at him hoping that he would leave me alone like he has been doing for the past few months.

"Mum said she's going out with Lauren and Harry for the day, I'm going out with Kayla so yeah, have fun you loner" I rolled my eyes and decided not to inform him of my plans with Michael.

I got up and showered quickly, I shaved everywhere I needed too and brushed my teeth quickly. I rushed back too my bedroom and sighed in relief when I heard Ashton leave the house.

I pulled on some underwear and then pulled on a black sweater with the nirvana logo on it and then added some black leggings and cream ankle socks. I put on my usual makeup and tied my hair up into a ponytail.

I picked up my backpack and my phone before leaving the house and walking towards Michaels house. I loved spending time with him because he always makes me happy unlike every other person.

The door opened before I even had a chance to press the doorbell and I got yanked inside by an over excited Michael. I laughed and reached up too hug him. He lifted me up and spun me in a circle before setting me down and then dragging me to the games room.

"I will win!" I yelled as our competitive sides appeared.

"No, you won't" he smirked as he shot me on Cod causing the screen to fade slightly and 'final kill' to appear. I pouted at him and he kissed my temple softly.

"Sorry princess" I blushed at the cute pet name and smiled as his arms pulled me closer to him.

I love cuddling with Michael. I wish that he felt the same about me so that we could be together. My mum has been dropping subtle hints at something but I hadn't caught on what they were supposed to mean.

"So, who are your other friends, except from me?" I asked.

"How do you know that I have any?" he chuckled.

"Oh, come on! you're Michael Gordon Clifford! Anyone would be lucky to be your friend, including me!" he blushed an adorable shade of pink.

"Uh- Luke and Calum.. That's it really."

"More friends than I have" He smiled softly before placing his lips on my forehead and then pulling away.

"Do you want to meet them?" I nodded and smiled.

"Good, they were coming over anyway" he winked and we both laughed to each other.

I crawled away from him and dropped down onto the bean bag I was originally sitting on. Michael moved over so that Calum and Luke could sit on the other two beside him when they got here.

The door suddenly slammed open causing a squeal to erupt from my lips. They were both laughing and then froze when they spotted me, hopefully Michael had told them I was here or its going to be awkward.

"Holy Shit! MICHAEL HAS A GIRL IN HERE!" The brown haired boy hi-fived the lanky blonde boy and they both began to cheer.

"Shut the fuck up, dickheads. This is Ariana, the girl I told you about" I smiled and waved sheepishly at the two giant boys in the doorway.

"I don't recall that, I remember you telling us about Ariana but you wouldn't stop speaking about her for almost two months" I raised my eyebrows and looked at Michael.

"Shut up Luke" Got it, Blondie's called Luke, so the other must be Calum.

"No, don't shut up Luke. What did he say about me?" I asked with an amused expression plastered on my face.

"Too much! He was saying how pretty you are and how adorab-" He was cut off by Michael slamming a beanbag at him which I was not expecting too happen.

I was probably blushing by now and I think Calum noticed since he nudged Michaels arm. They both fell down on the beanbags beside Michael and we just began to talk about random things.

"I can see why he wouldn't shut up about you, everything he said is true" Calum mumbled and earned a glare from Michael.

I smiled and looked down at my lap to hide my blushing cheeks but I failed miserably as all three of them had noticed the pink tint to my face.

Michael and Calum stood up to go and and get snacks and drinks since we had all decided on watching a film which left me and Luke alone which Michael was hesitant about.

"Why haven't I seen you before?" I asked.

"Well, you didn't see Michael until a few months ago and we live in the same area so I don't know" he laughed.

"Michael stays in his room all of the time though? Unless you do that as well"

"Do you do that?" I nodded and laughed at how stupid I must sound for asking that question.

"So, Siblings?" I asked him.

"Two brothers, Jack and Ben. I already know yours from Michael's endless speeches about you!" I smiled and giggled a little.

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