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Ariana's POV

(Outfits are attached)

*2 months later*

Michael and I had been visiting each other almost every night since we first met and I haven't been happier. If I've had a shit day I can go too him and he let's me talk it out and he comforts me and he listens.

I can't be more thankful that I have such an amazing best friend. Michael Gordon Clifford was my everything and it meant a lot to me knowing that I meant something too him as well.

His dad is very welcoming and is always so kind whenever I go over there and it makes me happy inside. How could Michaels mother leave such a loving family behind?.

Although it is a tragic memory part of me is sort of happy about it because through it all I found myself a friend who will hopefully be more as more time passes.

That one phone call a few months ago started it all. Michael made me realise that I meant something to people and he made me start a new chapter in my life. Each day he would send me cute little messages telling me to have a good day or something and it just made my heart race thinking about how sweet he is.

Michael had met my family a few times now but he has never met Ashton because guess what? He's never home! He's always with Kayla. That stupid bitch stole my brother away from all of us.

"When is Michael coming?" Harry asked excitedly as he hopped down the staircase.

"Soon, hopefully" I bent down and reached my arms out for a hug which he accepted and squeezed me tight.

"I like Michael, he's really cool" I couldn't fight the smile breaking out onto my face at my younger brothers approval.

At first my mum was obviously a bit cautious about it because of the way we began talking but now she understands that he's perfect and that he makes me happy.

After the first time he left my mum commented on how sweet he was and how helpful he was as he had offered to clear up so that my mum didn't have too.

She then told me something I wasn't expecting. 'I love the way that he looks at you, it was the same way that your dad used too look at me. Don't let him go! He loves you and judging by the way you looked at him too I feel like you feel the same'.

I didn't tell Michael about that in case it wasn't true and he didn't feel that way about me. I didn't want to do anything that would mess up our friendship. If I lost Michael I would be broken, nothing would feel right anymore.

The doorbell chimed and I sucked in a breath before looking at my reflection in the mirror in the hallway. I wore a crimson red dress that was knee length that had a slit around the middle and had short shoulder straps. Michael on the other hand left me speechless, a white dress shirt with a black tie and a black blazer with black dress pants and black shoes. He looked perfect. As usual.

Ashton wasn't here, of course he wasn't. Why would he be? The only time he would be here is if he gets drunk and decides too come home which worries all four of us but luckily I have Mikey to make me feel better.

"Woah" he breathed and I blushed and looked down at the ground.

"Come in, Clifford" I moved away from the door as we both headed into the dining room where my sister was wearing a purple skater dress and her hair was curled. My brother wore something similar to Michael except he wore skinny jeans and vans, Typical Harry. My mum on the other hand looked the best out of all of us. Her blonde hair was curled perfectly and she wore a black dress which was long sleeved and reached her knees.

I have no idea why we were all dressed up like this but it felt good too look nice for once and who knows? Maybe I'll impress Michael.. Something I have been trying to do since we first met up.

"Ariana, can you help me to get the food please sweetie?" I nodded and excused myself from the table and followed her into the kitchen hearing my shoes clacking against the hard wood floor.

"Look at him! He can't keep his eyes off you! He's impressed" she mumbled and winked at me.

I sighed and took some of the plates from her and carried them back into the dining room and placed them all down around the table and I gave a small smile to Michael who, as my mother correctly said, couldn't 'keep his eyes off me'.

A small smile took over his face and basically lit his whole face up. I couldn't help but stare at those pink lips wondering what it would feel like to kiss them. I bit my lip and quickly divert my gaze before someone notices.

Unfortunately I wasn't so lucky, my eyes connected with my mums and she was smirking and her eyes were flickering between us. I took a bite out of the chicken my mum had made and looked down at my plate awkwardly.

"So Michael, hows your dad doing?" Mum asked to break the awkward silence.

"A lot better thanks" he smiled.

His pretty green eyes sparkled when he smiled and somehow I had never noticed before. My mum was smirking at me once more and I groaned and finished my meal after my younger siblings who were strangely quiet.

"I'll take the plates out for you, Mrs Irwin. This was a lovely meal, thank you so much" I smiled up at him and help him to collect the plates and follow him into the kitchen.

"Michael! Ariana! Just leave them on the side for me please!" She called.

I took Michaels hand and lead him upstairs to my room. He had the same reaction as he always does when he enters my room. He always stares at the band posters and then turns his attention too me.

"You look beautiful, as usual" he mumbled sheepishly and I smiled and kissed his cheek.

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