Chapter XVIII

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I was in Yolko's Inn room with Asuna, Argo, Yolko, and Schmitt and Schmitt was completely nervous. He had his hand on his chin and he was tappin his foot.

Schmitt: So that's what killed Caynz. And you're sure about the spear? Was it really Grimlock's?

Yolko: *nods her head* There's no doubt...

Schmitt's Eyes immediately widened in terror.

Schmitt: *stands up frantically* Then why would you wait six months to kill him? Unless, Wait was he the one who stole the ring?! Do you think it's possible he killed Griselda after all? *sits down in fright* Does Grimlock want to kill the three of us because we didn't sell the damn ring? Is that why he's after you and me now?

Yolko: *Looks at Schmitt with cold eyes* Maybe Grimlock made the spear for someone else in our guild. Maybe they're the ones who killed Caynz...or maybe Griselda's come back from the dead to get her revenge...

My eyes widened at that.

Y/N: (If that's true...m-maybe I can save her and bring her back to life! My father did say after all that if somebody has the willpower, they can keep themselves from getting was something along that lines...It doesn't matter what he said specifically. All that matters is maybe I can bring her back!)

Yolko: *Schmitt is confused and (hurt himself as a result) looks at Yolko* A player can't kill another player in a safe zone. But something else, like a ghost could...

I looked at both Argo and Asuna with the same look they had, which was shock, but mine was faked. We then watched as Yolko stood up and her eyes looked crazed.

Yolko: I couldn't sleep at all last night, so I stayed up thinking...*crazed* It wasn't anyone's fault! Everyone in the Guild is Guilty! Her blood is on all of our hands. *covers eyes* Our fates was sealed when that ring dropped! We should've never have voted! *still looks crazy* we should've done whatever Griselda told us to do! *clams down and keeps back to window and sits on window seal* Grimlock was the only one, the only member of the Guild who said we should leave the decision to Griselda. You see? He's the only one of us who can avenge Griselda. He's the only member who has the right to avenge her.

I then looked at Schmitt who was completely freaked out, while Argo and Asuna were looking at Yolko like she was crazy, which is understandable.

Schmitt: *shaking like a pansy* You've got to be kidding me. You've got to be kidding. *covers face with hands* Why now? After all this time? Why kill us now? You can't be okay with this Yolko! How can you accept being killed over some stupid vendetta?!

I then grabbed Schmitt so he wouldn't do anything stupid but I then looked at Yolko and watched as her eyes widened in shock. She then turned around and in her back, was a dagger. She then fell out of the window and I immediately ran to the window and watched as she fell, shattering right before she hit the floor. I then looked around and saw a cloaked figure standing on the rooftops.

Y/N: Keep an eye on him!

I then jumped out the window and watched as the ghost pulled out a... teleport crystal?

Y/N: (Why would a Ghost need a teleport crystal?) *looks at the incoming window* (Oh shit, window!) SHIT!

I then crashed into the window and groaned in annoyance. I then got a message from my father.


Do you know how expensive those windows are?

Much Love, Dad

Y/N: *groans in even more annoyance* Fuck off.

I then got up and walked out the building I was in and back into Yolko's inn room... only to have Asuna point her rapier at me.

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