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In the kitchen, Oliver went to the front door to talk to your parents and hopefully send them away. You took a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves. You knew facing them wouldn't be easy, but you were grateful to have Oliver by your side, supporting you through this ordeal.

As you waited, you prepared a bottle for Seichi, trying to focus on the task at hand. The tapping sound on the window caught your attention, and when you turned to look, you were startled to see a masked figure standing outside, peering in. Panic crept up once again, and you hurriedly closed the curtains, making sure they were tightly shut.

Oliver returned to the kitchen, his face tense with frustration. "They're not leaving," he said, "They insist on talking to you, but I told them you need space right now." You nodded, grateful for his efforts. "I don't want to deal with them right now," you admitted. "I just need time to sort things out on my own."

Seichi, sensing your unease, began to fuss in your arms. You gently rocked him, trying to soothe both him and yourself. "I wish they would just leave us alone," you murmured.

Oliver put a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "I won't let them bother you, okay? We'll figure this out together."

As the night wore on, your parents' persistent demands became a distant background noise. Oliver stayed by your side, keeping you company and distracting you from the unsettling feeling that lingered after the dream you had earlier. You found comfort in his presence, and it made you realize just how much he cared about you and Seichi.

Eventually, Seichi fell asleep, and you decided it was time for Oliver to rest as well. "You should go get some sleep in the guest room," you suggested, grateful for his support but not wanting to burden him further.

He smiled softly. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine on the couch."

As much as you appreciated his dedication, you knew he needed proper rest too. "Please, Oliver. I'll be okay here in the living room with Seichi. You should get some rest," you insisted.

He hesitated but eventually relented, agreeing to get some sleep. "If you need anything, wake me up, okay?"

"I will. Thank you," you replied gratefully.

Once Oliver settled in the guest room, you found yourself alone with Seichi once again. The night felt heavy with uncertainties, but you held onto the hope that things would eventually get better. With a sleepy smile, you looked down at Seichi, marveling at how precious he was and how much he meant to you.

As you rocked him gently, you whispered promises of a brighter future for both of you. You knew you had the strength to face whatever challenges lay ahead, especially with Oliver's unwavering support by your side. And no matter what your parents threw your way, you were determined to protect Seichi and create a better life for him, free from the toxic past that haunted you.

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