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It was quite on the way back home, with you giving him silent treatment and him returning it. This is why these things happen, there is no communication between you guys.

You stared out through the car window, as your attempt to comfort rin failed, the reason you try so hard is that you know the feeling of being neglected by not one but everyone.

You watched the other car lights flash while you passed by, wanting to speak to sae but don't want to cause any more disagreements.

So you just simply ignore the thought by using music, other than art; music also helped you express yourself through the years, it may be the reason you are still alive.

You leaned back as you inhaled the cherry fresh car scent; putting the earplugs into your ears then scrolling through your playlist. Well even though sae was driving, he was glazing, at you every second he got. You maybe question his love for you he doesn't know.

He knows your trying hard, but that's the way he is, he really is truly sorry. Maybe not sorry for what he had said to rin but sorry that he made you cry again after he promised he would change.

"Im sorry" help whispered, but you didn't hear him due to the music. He sighed " maybe I should just wait till we get home, why are women so dam frustrating".

When you got hope you when inside, sae following you, you got annoyed and went to lock yourself in a guest room, but sae held the door open before you could close it locking himself in with you.

"Sae, just leave me alone " you sighed sitting on the bed turning away from him, scrolling through your phone.

"Y/n, im sorry...im sorry I messed up your plans, even though all I did was tell rin the truth". He mumbles. " Come here, let me tell you about my childhood sae." You spoke to him as he sat in front of you".

" you see, when I was smaller I had an older brother, he loved me dearly and did also, just like you in a way, he was Japan's top under 20 engineer, so my parents took more pride in him and ignored me, even though he had fame and money he never forgot about me, unlike rin I got neglected by everyone even the people I call my parents," you told him, as you leaned your head on his shoulder.

"Then one day, when he was going to tokyo to show off his latest prototype....he got in a car accident and lost his life when I heard I completely broke down, the only person that ever really showed me true kindness was gone. After that, I stopped eating and speaking, I would normally sit by myself, I go home I get blamed for his death, and cry myself to sleep, some months after that my parents wanted me to be there little money bank like my brother and wanted me to become a model but I refuse, of course, they got upset but they didn't care, you could say there were times I wanted to kill myself because maybe I was really the cause of his death" you spoke, your voice cracking a bit with tears flowing down your eyes.

" I wanted to express myself in a way that only a few people can understand so that's why I became a manga artist, after that I became the disappointment of the family and my parents told me I should've been the one that died instead of him.....then so year's later I met you and your parents arranged the marriage," told him, crying into his shoulder.

"I didn't deserve to be treated that way, I didn't do anything," you cry to him as he silently watches as you broke down on him. " look here, it's alright now, I'll make you forget about those things," he said was him kissed your forehead.

He wiped your teary eyes, and kissed your salty lips " and I don't want to see you cry again it pains me and I find it annoying that you're making yourself ugly." He continued as kissed you again

"And I will try my best to have a better relationship with my brother," he said starting into your eyes making you blush.


"I promise, now come let me feed you some ice cream" he said getting up kissing your cheek.

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