Ch.49 ~ the apparition assassins pt.3

116 2 9

Song of the chapter:
hello kitty
Jazmin Bean

So this chapter has ⚠️violent scenes⚠️ and also is a little tiny tiny tiny bit short on the number of words so I'm very sorry lol


'Y/n's pov'

If the lady at the front desk wasn't worried about us leaving so suddenly she would be wrong! We ran to the room and I read the doors numbers in my head as we passed by them.

'Room 299'
'Room 300'
'Room 301'
'Room 302'
'Room 303'
'Room 304'
'Room 305'
'Room 306'
'Room 307, gotcha bitch'

'End of recap'

Hehe, time to pull this plan off. I walked in and stood beside her unconscious body. Her eyes slowly opened and I started to fake cry.

"Ashley... what the fuck happened to you!?!" I said while still fake crying

"Y-you wouldn't believe me"

"T-try me"

"I-it was Sal, He-"

My face went back to a straight one before I started to laugh hysterically.

"You'll always be the same snitching bitch... didn't I tell you one time that ' snitches get stitches and if you didn't want stitches you better learn how to sleep with one eye open and quick'?"

"I-yeah but jokes on you I-"

"No, bitch the jokes in you because I'm not giving you the privilege of killing you in your sleep, I'm doing it right now" before she could hit the nurse button I grabbed her hand and snarled at her.

"You'd think with that threat you wouldn't snitch in-front of me but oh well, it's your pain."

"Wait! No! Don't!"

"Aww, it's cute, it really is, but your in no position to be making the orders" I said seductively right next to her ear.


"SHUT- your fucking mouth" I said jolting forwards to shake the bed and get a little closer to her face.

"I want my face to be the last one you ever see, *y/n takes their prosthetic off* I want you to scream my name while being cooked alive by your own stomach acid with a knife being drived into your shoulder and thigh, while you can't move because of the body paralyzing medication I just injected into your neck while you weren't watching, ooooohhhhh that makes me happy, the thought of you being at my mercy!"

"You fucking psycho-"

"Uh Uh Uh Uh, Sal what do we do with in-obedient little girls?"

Sals own psychotic laughter filled the room as he emerged from behind me.

"Why don't we let her figure that out as we do it?"

"Good suggestion, maybe your better at this then I thought"

I lifted Ashley's arm and grabbed a scalpel from the table before slowly de-gloving her hand and making my way up her arm as her screams were the only thing that could be heard.

I got close to her ear again and in the same voice as before said:

"Shhh, we wouldn't want anyone hearing you now would we, no, we wouldn't, so why don't you try to keep your screaming down sweetheart?"

The only thing she could spit out was

"F-...fuck... yo-u"

"Haha, that's not very nice of you now~" I was now staring into her eyes just an inch away from her face. I focused on her stomach acid and slowly made her vomit it out after moving a little away from her face so the acid wouldn't get on me.

"Say hi to Larry and soda for me snitch~" and like that she was dead.

I moved away from her face before saying:

"Aww, bummer we couldn't use the knifes"

Sal just chuckled before we snuck out the window. It was only the second story so we could easily live with falling from it so if we landed right, which we did, we wouldn't get hurt. We made our way back to the head quarters with conversation here and there. Once we got back our boss said we all needed to talk in private so we headed down to the basement... I knew that this wasn't going to be a talk... Every time we go down here he makes me kill somebody. If I were to guess who it would be it's Sal... I didn't want to but I didn't have a choice so all I could do now is hope the police would show up, or just say my goodbyes to him. So just in case, I did the second option.

"S-phantom echo?"


"You know I love you with all my heart no matter what I do or I'm forced to do right?"

"Yeah, I love you with all my heart too, but why so suddenly?"

"Sadly... y-you'll find out." I said with my head down continuing to walk.

Once we got down to the basement the boss said:

"Now, y/n, sweetie, you know what I need you to do."

"... no ..."

"... what did you just say to me g/n (gender name)?!?"

"I .... I said, n-no!"

"You know what happens if you dis obey me right?"

"Yes sir ... I-I do..."

"Well that isn't happening this time, I'm using force"

"What!?!? You can't do that!"

"But I can~"


"I'm afraid you don't have a choice ghost"

He clicked a button and my mind felt like it was melting, my head was pounding, I could only hear ringing, I could only see white, I couldn't smell anything, the only thing I could feel was my hands over my ears, and my brain was sending 1947839928489299488929 thoughts out per second.
"Y-y/n, are you ok!?!?"

"...RU-...N" I stuttered.



~OoOoOoOoOoOoOoHhHhHhHh juicy, what's gonna happen next? Idk, well I do but you don't so I guess depending on when your reading this you have to wait or continue reading!~

(1001 words)

~have a good rest of your night or day, thanks for reading this chapter, and see you later~

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