Ch.39 ~ really... well, f*ck you too...

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Song of the chapter:
★I can't handle change★

~there is some plot thickening in the chapter (aka this chapter is going to be sorta angsty) so just be prepared~

I'm too bored to type out the rest of the 3rd chapter in the game so let's just sun this up rq

After y/n couldn't read the book Todd tried and also failed so they all came to the conclusion that it was as y/n had said and it was probably a made up language or smth.

Todd held the front gate open and y/n ended up staying with him for protection, ya know because he's frail and can't defend himself physically without popping a brain cell to try and out think his opponent (lol I'm on the floor laughing from my own -not even- joke)

After Sal, Larry, and Ashley came back you all headed up out of the freakish hell hole you guys were just in and had the whole talk.

Oh yeah, and Todd had a few uncalled for things to say here and there but you guys were even since you got him back every time sooo yah, on with the story.

(Before the trial like older
moved out version of
the Sally face characters)

Me and Ashley moved in together away from nockfell do to how much happened we just wanted to move away and try to forget as much as we could but today we were going through nockfell to get to the house that Sal, todd, Neil, and now Larry shared for a small little visit.

"Hey Ashley? Are you ready?"

"Umm, yeah, I think so! Let's go!"

Ashley said as she got in my car.

"I'm so excited, I can't wait to see Sal and Larry, I've missed them both a lot!"

"Me too, especially Larry!"

"Hehe, yeah I miss Sal a lot too"

*you guys finally got to the house*

Once we got out Ashley and sal both talked for a bit and hugged after telling each other how much they missed one and other. After it finally sounded like their conversation was done I tried to say hi to sal but was cut off by Ashley starting to talk again, this happened about 3 times before I just said:

"Fuck it, never mind" and walked inside to find Larry.

I explored a bit until I finally found Larry's room. I stood in the door frame of it and waited for him to calm down with the unpacking and finally Acknowledged I was here but he never heard nor saw me so I knocked on the door frame and said:

"Are you too busy with unpacking for your sibling?"


Larry immediately pounced on me and pulled me into a hug. I chuckled a bit before saying:

"Well hello to you too big guy"

"I'm glad your finally here!"

"Well I'm glad I got a better response from you then a certain someone"

"Who, Sal!?!? That bitch didn't-"

"It's fine, he was busy catching up with your girlfriend"

"Wait! Ashley's here too!?!? This is the best day of my life!!!!"

"Let me guess, your gonna go say hi to her too?"

"Yeah! I-I mean- if you don't want me to then I don't have to, I can always do it later."

"Nah, go ahead and catch up with your girlfriend, I don't mind."

"Hehe, yayyyy, thanks, I'll c'ya later"

And just like that he was out the door.

'I guess I'll look for Todd'

I looked around for a bit until stumbling on some stairs and quietly walking up them. Once I got to the top I knocked on the wall and said:

"Hey geek, what's up?"

"Umm, hello? Why are you here, shouldn't you be with Larry or Sal of all people?"

"Ehh, they ditched me for Mrs.perfect down there"

Todd held back a chuckle and said

"You got ditched by your own boyfriend for his best friends girlfriend, sucks to be you but I guess we get to catch up some after all of those years of torment not being able to pick on someone else without getting a hard punch to the gut"

"Uggghhhhhh, might as well" I said sarcastically with a toothy grin on my face.

For the next hour or so y/n and Todd caught up on what's been happening with their lives and whatever else came to mind before Sal came up the stairs with a stomp.

"Hey Todd, I'm going to go to windigo lake with Ashley, I'll see you later"

"Well hello to you too bitch"

"Oh, hey y/n, didn't know you were here too."

"Well nice to know my efforts to be seen were completely ignored, hope ya have just a peachy time fucking your best friends girlfriend at the lake pretty boy!"


"Ehehe, nothing now, I believe you were on your way!" My sarcastic smile fell at the word 'nothing' before Sal said:

"Oh-Kay, what ever, c'you guys"

"Yeah, see you later"

After Sal was completely gone Me and Todd both took a glance at each other before busting out in laughter.

"Who ever knew we would get along this well *redacted information*?"

"Not me, I can tell ya that!"

"Nor myself"

"What the frickity frack, French fry's on a friday after noon was that, are you British now?"

Todd and I shared a few laughs here and there before Larry and Neil came up the stairs together, we all four talked and gossiped about random stuff before Sal came in and asked:

"Hey, y/n, do you have a moment? I'd like to talk to you in private for a bit"

I glanced at everyone around me to see if they were okay with it and they all nodded their heads before I got up and walked the long walk down the stairs with Sal.

Once we were in a closed off private area Sal said:

"Wtf was that before I left about!?"

"Well smarty pants, why don't you figure it out and tell me?"

"What do you mean? I just asked you!"

"I know Fisher, and I'm asking you why your as blind as a fucking bat!? Quite literally"

I never used his last name unless it was serious so that should drop the very obvious bomb about how serious I really was.

"Ya'know what, I'm going to leave you to think about that, goodnight, Sal fisher"

~thick juicey dramaaaaaa~

(1108 words)

~have a good rest of your night or day, thanks for reading this chapter, and see you later~

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