Ch.41 ~ the Trial and suiside

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Song of the chapter:
★Sir Chloe★

~this has been posted 3 minutes early cus I couldn't wait those 3 minutes out lol~

~I have nothing to say besides srry to Ruby_IR and anyone else who rlly liked/loved a certain someone~


I finally decided to open my eyes and was greeted by an awake Sally face staring down at me.

"Mornin' (ur name for royalty, so like king, prince, queen, princess or something of the sort)"

'Shit, why is his morning voice so hot.'

"Mmm, morning Sally" I said as I snuggled back into his chest trying to hide my blush.

Sal let out a low chuckle and wrapped his arms back around me.

'End of recap'

We payed like that for a bit until we ended up having to go into the living room area where Todd and Neil were.

All four of us talked for a bit until I asked:

"Todd, Neil, do you guys happen to know where Ashley and Larry are?"

"Oh, yeah, there outside on the porch catching up"

"Oh, ok thanks Todd. Best if we leave them alone." I said while wiggling my eye brows

"Eww, on the porch!?!? Y/n, you disgust me" Neil looked absolutely sickened.

Me and Sal both laughed a bit before we all went back to talking about the past, and present. occasionally what we all thought the future would bring for us but mostly the past and present.

After a bit Todd and Neil went back up to their room and me and Sal where left on the couch, we talked a bit and he went to talk to Todd, that's when Larry came back in and started talking to me.

"Hey, Y/n, what's up?" He said as he was entering the living room.

"Nothin much, what about you?"

"Ehh, Ashley went to her family's house so I decided to come talk to you"

"Nice to know I was your second choice" I joked.

"You know I love you!"

"Yeah, yeah, love you too"

"Anyways, how was living with your new adoptive mom and dad for those last 2 months before high school graduation?"

"Ehh, it wasn't as good as Lisa but at least it was better then no one"

"Yeah, I see. Hey, it was good that you got adopted by them before you did because mom and Henry got married"

"Shit, your right, me and Sal would have been step-siblings and dating each other"

"Yeah, that would be awkward to explain to anyone"

"Hehe, yeah, very!"

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