Ch.10 ~ Travis and the answer

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~hellllooooo my simps! Now we get to
meet the homophobic(but cannonly homosexual at the same time), Christian, blondey of a child! Also, I know that he is not as nice as I make him in this chapter but oh well!~

~story timeeeee!~


"It's alright! And thank you very much."

"My pleasure. Now, I will go get your guide, just stay here I'll be right back!"

'End of recap'

When the principal came back into the room they stepped aside to reveal a blond boy with a black eye and a purple long sleeve shirt with blue shorts. The principal said;

"Y/n, this is Travis, Travis, this is y/n. Travis will be your guide, which means you both share all of the same classes!"

I gave a small wave and he did the same. After the principal was done explaining more things about it, me and Travis started our walk to our first period.

"Hey, um, Travis was it?"


"How did you get that black eye? If you don't mind me asking?"

"If I tell you that, then you have to tell me why you have the prosthetic."

"I-I guess that's a fair trade."

"you promise not to say a word about it to anyone!?"

"I promise!"

"I... got it from... a fight in school. Now your turn." He was obviously lying, but I guess telling him would build up trust in this friendship.

"Oh! Well... mine was caused by... a chimp attack..."

"I heard those things can be ruthless when they get their hands on something or somebody."

"Yeah, I'm lucky I came out alive... I couldn't say the same for my dad though." I said the last part under my breath so he could not hear it.

We got to our first class and went our separate ways before the teacher came in and said;

"Hello, class, we have a new transfer student here today and their name is y/n, now, y/n why don't you go sit next to Travis, since he is your guide."

"Yes ma'am!" I said before leaving the front of the class to go sit next to Travis.

Apparently that was not a good place to sit me in, because me and Travis were not able to focus one bit, since we were both talking to each other.

After class ended me and Travis walked together to our next class and talked the whole way, a few giggles here and there.

Eventually lunch time rolled around and Travis went to sit somewhere and eat (idk where) and I went to find Sal or Larry. While walking around I felt someone grab my wrist so I looked back and saw Larry there;

"Hey, umm, y/n?"


"I'm really sorry about what happened this morning!"

"It's fine! I probably shouldn't have just walked away without context anyways."

"Well, c'mon! Let's go meet the rest of the group!"

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