Ch.38 ~ w̸h̸o̸ what is y/n?;

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The one question you will all be asking yourselfs after this chapter

~prepare yourselfs for this intense chapter~


"A trap door, duuuuude"

"There must be an undocumented sub-basement level, wait, wasn't y/n just in this room? They really can't do anything right can they?!"

"Well, dude, to be fair, you told them not to comment on anything, that also includes physical things, not just sentences or words"

I smiled up at larry in gratitude for standing up for me and Todd said

"Tch, whatever"

'End Of Recap'

"Well it's not in any of the blue prints I've seen perhaps an old dirt seller or something of the like"

"I had no idea this was here!"

"The third key from mrs.Packertons fits in the door ash must be down there, it's the only place that chute could lead to"

Sal opened the door and said:

"Let's go..."

When we got down we were in-front of a huge gate with something that looked like a quote above it. It read:


'Creepy' I shivered as I thought to my self.

"Welp this looks bad"

"Yeah, heh you can say that again!"

"No. Body. Asked. You. Y/n"

"Enough! Todd, what is your problem!? I thought you were just trying to be funny or trying to joke around but Seriously dude, what the fuck is wrong with you!?!?"

"Am I really the only one here who see's them as what they really are!?!?"

I cocked my head to the side at this.


Before Todd could respond I intervened:

"Guys, guys, please, Sal, I appreciate you trying to look out for me but right now we need to keep our eyes on the ball and find Ashley!"

Todd scoffed and muttered
"They are a *redacted information*"
under his breath before Sal nodded his head with a sigh.

Man was I glad Todd didn't mumble what he did out loud; I'd be toast.

Once said secret-spiller got a good look at the ominous area around us he said:

"Incredible this architecture must date back to multiple centuries, at-least!"

"Centuries of blood and demon worship. This place is creepy as hell!"

"Everything is coated in a thick layer of dust which likely means the area is presently vacant and has been for a while. Let's hope that the malevolent history of this place stays in the past"

"Yeah, well... we need to get through that gate somehow"

"There appears to be an absence of any obvious mechanisms to move that large gate"

"No shit Sherlock"

Todd scawled at me and Larry, along with Sal, held back a chuckle.

And the faget went back to speaking (no hate to any of my queer readers, love ya <3)

"They must be built into the walls, it's likely that the apparatus for opening the gate is hidden"

I made a 'nah, really' look to Todd and said

"Who could've thought?" Sarcastically

"To be honest it's kinda basic though, Ya'know, a hidden lever or trigger, I guess I must be lucky because I've already found one~"

"Impossible, you've been standing there uselessly the whole time"

"First of all, so have you, second of all, never say never third of all, I thought out of all of the people here you would be this most likely to not jump to conclusions"

"What do you mean?!"

"See, I've found the hidden trigger to make you pissed at me!"

This sent Larry and Sal into histarical laughter.

"ugh, je bent zo onvolwassen, als ik je nu hier zou kunnen laten om weg te rotten in deze kerkerachtige structuur!"

"ugh, you are so immature, if only I could leave you here to rot in this dungeon-like structure!"

"zou iemand zo 'onvolwassen' als ik nederlands kennen?"

"Would someone as 'immature' as me know Dutch?"

A smirk made its way onto my face as Todd stared back at me with bewilderment evident on his face.

"Was ist mit Deutsch, das kannst du nicht wissen!?"

"what about german, you cant know that!?"

"If it helps your self esteem any then, no, I don't know German"

That same look slithered it's way onto our faces like before; bewilderment on his, a smug grin on mine.

"الآن ، نحتاج إلى العودة إلى العثور على آشلي بدلاً من الجلوس حول الجدل حول من هو أكثر نضجًا أو أذكى!"

"Now, we need to get back to finding Ashley instead of sitting around debating who's more mature or smarter!"

By the looks of it Todd looked like he was going to pass out, Larry and Sal both looked confused as hell.

"They said we should get back to finding Ashley you morons"

"Hey, we're not morons just because we don't know Latin or Spanish or Californian!"

"Sal, sweetie, dearest, it was Dutch and german, and most people in California speak English... that last language was Arabic, not 'Californian' "

"Uh, anyways!"

"Dude, that was a dumber response then I would have said."

"Sh-shut up!"

"We should split up and search this room for the 'apparatus that is likely hidden' so we can find it quicker then just sticking together" I mocked Todd once more.

After a bit of walking around and looking, Sal called me over.

"Yeah, what did you need?"

"This book is written in a different language, can you read it?"

"Let me see..."

I looked at the pages, some were splatters with some substance that looked to be blood. I looked at the symbols on the pages.

"It almost looks like a combination of Arabic, Japanese, and some kind of ancient language, I don't think this is any well known language, it's most likely one that the people who live or work here made up in order to keep this place as sealed as possible"

"Hmm, interesting"



~do we ever get to save Ashley, I don't know, you'll just have to continue reading or (depending on when your reading this) wait!~

(1042 words)

~have a good rest of your night or day, thanks for reading this chapter, and see you later~

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