Ch.23 ~ good news and the blackout

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~⤊⤊ playlist to listen to while reading!~

~But Seriously talking, I am absolutely in love with this piece of fanart up here!!!~


"Hey man! We were just talking about going up to the tree house, we haven't been in a while so I thought it would bring back some old memories! Wanna join us?"

(Sorry if your pronouns aren't he/him, Larry just calls everyone man/dude, in my fanfic universe, it's harmless, he's not trying to assume your gender, if you want me to change his wording to more gender neutral please tell me so by commenting or smth like that)

"That's not even a question, of course I would wanna join y'all!"


'End of recap'

(At the tree house)

"Alright my dudes were here, y/n, you go first!"
He said as he ushered me into the tree house.

Once we were all in the tree house larry called his mom for an unknown reason;

"Hey mom!"

"Hey, lar bear!"

"Don't call me that..."

"I'm still calling you that!"

"Anywaysss, y/n's here now!"

"Oh! Yayy! Hand the phone to them!"

He put the phone into my hand and I said

"Hi, Mrs.Lisa, did you want me for anything?"

"Yes, actually!"

"Oh, alright, what do you need?"

"I just wanted to let you know something!"

"Alright, what's up?"

"Actually, I need you to FaceTime me really quick!"

"Ok!" I said as I clicked the face time option.

I was met with a paper, almost like a report of something.

I took a closer look at it and my eyes started to get watery as I said;

"Y-you didn't..." with my hand on my mouth.

"Oh, but I did, sweetheart."

Just then I couldn't hold it back anymore, I managed to say;

"... thank you, Lisa" before tears started to stream down my face.

Sal look worried as hell since I started crying so suddenly, so I handed the phone to him.

He looked over the report and couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear as he handed the phone back to Larry;

"Dude, we're officially siblings now!!! I can be a real uncle, not just self proclaimed!!!!!"

Sal laughed but I had too many emotions happening at one time so all I could do is lunge at Larry and pull him into a hug.

"Thank you, lar bear" I said with a chuckle.

"I'm never getting rid of that nick name, am I?"

"Nope!" Me, Sal, and Lisa all said in unison.

(Complete)💙Thou Among The Broken💙 sal fisher x reader (PROOFREADING RN!!)Where stories live. Discover now