April Fools

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Hey everyone!

I want to thank you for coming along with me on this wild ride.

It has been amazing writing for all of you, and I've gotten farther than I ever thought I would on Bloody Angel.

Your support and kind words kept me going even when I was hitting wall after wall.

Unfortunately, I've hit the mother of all barricades, and I just can't see myself finishing this. I've lost the drive and motivation, and I just can't get together how I want this story to end

I'm so sorry to let you all down, I know how eager you have been for the next update. So I will leave you with this last little bit, as closure.


"Annie, you are okay," Copia whispers softly as he holds her trembling body close. "All will be okay. You know this."

The witch nods, face buried in his chest. "I know it will be. It's just so hard, thinking about it all."

Copia slides his hand over her hair, smoothing over the flyaways and wayward strands. "I know. Look, here come the others."

Annie turns her head to look down the hall, a small smile lighting up her face as she sees her friends, her family. Sunshine led them, pulling Cirrus with one hand, the other dragging Kali as he struggled to keep up. Dew and Swiss walked together side by side, the tall grinning ghoul with his arm slung loosely around the fire gremlins shoulder. Cumulus and Aether were next, both looking tired and worn, followed by Seth and Rain, the pair holding hands with small smiles on their faces.

Ace ran past them, pulling Mysti along with a wide smile on their faces, grumbling something about her being slower than a sea snail until they stop close to the waiting couple.

"We're here," Annie hears from the approaching footsteps from the other direction. "You, Auntie, are lucky they went down for their nap on time and that Mounty was able to convince me to not take one myself."

Mountain laughs and drapes his arms over her shoulders, kissing the top of her head as he looks at the others.

"Thank you for coming, everyone," Copia smiles to them all as Annie turns in his arms, a small smile on her face as she looks at them all, feeling her heart swell.

"Yeah, yeah," Dew grumbles, finally shrugging Swiss' arm off. "What's so damn important you called us all here?"

"Well," Copia starts with a smile. Shaking his head, he holds Annie tighter. She tries to keep a serious face, but eventually, she crumbles and a wider smile takes over.

"April fools!"

I'm not going anywhere, guys. I would not leave all of you hanging like that.
But I will admit I am a little burnt out, so it will probably be a few days before the next real update is posted.

Love all of you, and I truly thank you for all of your support with Bloody Angel.


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