First Ritual

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Author Note: This took me forever to write out, lmao!

I've been trying to keep some events like they really happened, such as this one. This chapter happens at the Sonic Temple Music Festival on May 17, 2019.

I will attach the reference video I used of the Festival should you wish to see it.


(Songs used are

Uncomfortable by Halestorm

By Ghost:
From the Pinnacle to the Pit
Year Zero
Mummy Dust
Dance Macabre
Square Hammer

Annie sat atop one of the many equipment cases stacked up out of the way, rubbing at her tired eyes as stage crew and managers from various bands rushed about, making sure everything was running smoothly for the upcoming transition between acts. She could hear the roaring crowd somewhere nearby, and the loud rhythmic sounds of the current band that was performing. It was getting closer for the guys to go on and Annie couldn't wait. She was tired and in a great deal of discomfort, and as much as she was excited to finally see her Cardinal and ghouls perform, she wanted the day to be over. 

The girls had insisted on what she was wearing for the event. A graphic tee for the band that had their logo on top of a rendition of Copia wearing some kind of cape and a spectral image of Papa in the background, and the back held dates for the current tour. Her legs, the main source of her discomfort, had been confined in black tight fitting jeans with carefully placed sections where it was rubbed thin with holes along the top of her thighs and a pair of black and white shoes that went up her ankles. Converse high tops, she thinks they called them. Those were comfortable at least. 

Her hair had then been pulled back and parted in several small braids  that came together in two high twisting pigtail type buns behind her head that had a lot of fringe. Cirrus had applied a darker look of makeup; dark smokey eyeshadow with thicker liner and dark lips. Mesh like gloves, one only covering her hand and wrist and the other reaching her elbow completed the look. She could hardly recognize herself by the time it was all done. She both hated and loved it, and although she felt kind of ridiculous she knew that it would help, possibly, conceal her identity in case any of the magistratus were in attendance today.

Sitting back she sighed and looked around. The current band seemed…loud. Everyone today seemed so loud. Was this what music out in the world was like? The lead singer of the current band playing, a woman, had a nice voice though. A sudden flash of silver to her right startled her momentarily before she relaxed, recognizing Dew as he nimbly hopped up next to her with ease. 

"Sup, darlin?" 

"What are you doing? Shouldn't you be with the others?"

"Excited. Can't sit still. You? Are you excited? You should be. I hope you are."

Turning to get a good look at him she couldn't help the smile, barely suppressing a giggle seeing him literally vibrating, bouncing lightly as he sits next to her. 

"You're worse than Sunny right now. And that's saying something."

He tilts his head back, letting out a loud chuckle. "Yup! Always like this before a ritual.  Can't you feel the energy out there? Gonna be so good up on that stage. You're gonna watch me, right? Not just the Cardinal. Cuz we'll be there too. Ignore Aether though. I'm more fun to watch."

He was talking so fast Annie could hardly keep up.

"Mhmm. If you say so." She laughs and nudges into him, the gesture taking him off guard and he almost falls off the case before catching himself. 

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