Glimpse to the Past

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January 2, 1991

It snowed last night. A soft blanket covers the grounds here, cold and blank. Just like the majority of these walls. I should take it as a sign of change. A fresh page to start our new life but all I feel is helpless and cold. Like I'm stuck in a darkness with no way out.

True there are candles and hearths ablaze with fire, but they are dim compared to min litla stjarna, ljós ástar minnar. She is the only light I have, and she is growing so fast, has gotten so big in these four months. It's like I blink and again she has changed. She is so like her father, especially with her blue eyes. So bright and already brimming with intelligence and powers.

I would truly be lost without Cyndir. Papa assigned him to me, and he helps me care for her, keeps her entertained during the day as my strength comes back to me. I knew the risks of carrying her, but I never anticipated how much of me would be spent to ensure she arrived safely. If I hadn't found this place… then I assume we would both be lost.

Ah, she is crying. I must go see that all is well.


January 16, 1991

Again, more snow. I am having a bad day today, my strength is just not there. Cyndir, ever dutiful, is doing so much. I know it is his job, but I cannot help but feel upset that I am not of more use.

As grateful as I am, how I long it was her father the one here, helping and caring for us. I know he is probably watching best he can. Do you miss me as much as I miss you, my love? Can you see our little girl growing as I do?


January 30, 1991

I have never been more grateful that Cyndir is a fire ghoul. From the day of her birth… no. From even within my womb min litla stjarna has had powers. Today she reached for the flames in the fireplace and they spread out to her over the stone, catching the rug on fire. I hold little command over that element even when I had more strength in my soul, earth being my primary, and it could have ended badly had the ghoul not been here.

I must be more careful. Keep a better watch on her. I can't risk our secret getting found out.  To be a witch it's one thing, but my Annie…


February 16, 1991

Not even five months and she is nearly crawling. It is not easy, keeping up with her growth and her needs.  I am glad I've slowly regained more strength, but spring cannot come soon enough. How I long for warm days of new life, where I can rejuvenate properly with the soil.

I can hear Cyndir chirping in the next room, talking to Annie in that weird language of theirs. I think he does it because the sounds make her giggle.


March 3, 1991

Snow, again. A thick blanket that will take days to melt. I am not from this country, but apparently this is fairly normal from what I've been told. Oh how I wish the ground could finally thaw. Not just for my sake but for min litla stjarna. I know she is but a babe, but i must begin to teach her to ground herself. It's starting to get dangerous.


March 25, 1991

Today had been abnormally warm, hardly any clouds and the sun was bright. I was able to go out into the gardens, and Cyndir carried Annie for me. I could have spent hours on the grass, feeling the earth thrum under my bare feet, filling me with much needed energy.

My little glow worm had a blast, crawling all over the lawn. It was adorable seeing Cyndir with her. He told me about his family recently. He had a mate, Shirinya. She was what they call a multi ghoul, meaning she was of more than one element. Water and Earth. If you ask me they seemed like an interesting pairing. My heart goes out to him, though. She passed after a rough birth, but their child -or kit, as I now know they are called- survived. A boy they named Kaliko who had just turned five at the end of last year. I hope one day he can be friends with my litla stjarna.


April 2, 1991

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