Chapter seven Satan's Collar

Start from the beginning

“I’ve changed my mind,” stated Charlie, giving Tobias a smile. “I think he’s a good for you.”

“So quickly,” chuckled the general.

“Yes,” he tucked a curl behind his ear. “You found someone that’s doesn’t give a damn about what you say and won’t worship the ground you walk on. In my opinion, you’re a perfect match. You deserve him.”

The general looked over at me. “Hear that, we’re perfect for each other.”

“Come near me, and I’ll kill you,” I stated, staring him down. 

Charlie laughed softly. “I like him even more.”


I don’t know how long I had been sitting in that car, but the day was starting to wear on me. My head kept fall and hitting the window as I drifted in and out.

“Toby help the poor thing,” said Charlie, who was messing with a small device. 

“Poor thing?” The general shifted in his seat. “You were calling him a ruthless savage like an hour ago.”

“Like I said.” Charlie crossed his leg and started to bounce his foot. “I’ve changed my mind. Besides, he was just a helpless boy trying to survive. I’m sure you’ve done worse.”

“Fine,” breathed the general. 

He touched my arm, and I jerked it away from him. 

“Don’t,” I muttered. “I’m fine.”

“Are you cold?”

Yes, I was alway cold, but I would never admit it to him. I covered my exposed arms and brought my knees to my chest instead. “I’m fine, leave me alone.”

“He doesn’t want my help, Charlie.” He scooted over to his side. 

“You are hopeless.” He glanced around the compartment. “Do you have a blanket around here somewhere?”

“Maybe?” The general shrugged. 

Charlie opened a small door that was under the seat and took out a blue blanket. “Here.” He tossed it at the general’s face. “Now try again.”

“You know what,” Toby scowled at his friend. “I preferred it when you were scared of him. You were far less demanding.”

“Just see to the boy already.”

Shaking his head, the general offered the blanket. “Do you want this?”

I kept my eyes on the window and shook my head. 

“See.” He turned to Charlie. “I can’t help it if the boy doesn’t want it.”

“How you ever got promoted to general is besides me.” He snatched the blanket and turned to me. “Are you cold honey?”

I shifted a little in my seat but didn’t say anything.

“What’s his name?” Charlie glanced to the general.


“Raja,” I snapped. “It’s Ra-ja.”

Charlie met his friend’s gaze. “I seriously think he might kill you if you keep this up.”

“Ha!” The general stretched his arm across the back of the seat. “I’ve come up against far worse than a savage.”

“Whatever you say,” Charlie cleared his throat and looked to me. “Raja, if you’re cold I have a blanket for you.”

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