Chapter 15: Minor spars

Comenzar desde el principio

Fufu,I must say that I am impressed by her mastery over that spear after all the years. Still able to hold it tightly and strike with little to no hesitation,I was always proud of her skills,even now it proves that I am correct.

Every time I guarded myself from her,our weapons clashing against each other,causing strong shockwaves flaring like flames all around the arena. Just hope that it didn't cause too much attention for those students who will probably swarm out to see what's going on. But this is class period,right? I think that kind of worrying would be unnecessary.

'Although it might be impressive as it is,it is still quite flawed. Others might not but I can see a few openings for me to strike,and if I can time it,it could be decisive and fatal. she needs to improve on that.' I thought as I blocked another strike of hers.

3 minutes had already passed unknowingly,kinda boring as training,as I had more intensive ones by fighting Velda. I hope I win for once in the true meaning of victory,not just by his 'Standing long enough=victory' philosophy. A victory that I can defeat him by true means.Thinking these brought me back many memories.

"What's wrong? Tired already?" I tried to taunt Velzard as I want her to try even harder on hitting me once,but that doesn't seem to work out. She didn't even reply,and is still concentrating on her work here. Admirable and a notable improvement,if it was her before,probably would have fallen victim and acted desperately,giving her more vulnerabilities.

How did I achieve so much? Some of them credit my travels and journeys. I've met many different people alike in different places,countries,regions. Sometimes it goes as far as other universes and realities.. However,they do not have the same way for magicules to work out like we did here. We all know how magicules work here,but they work in other ways in different places. For example,Revan's reality is somewhere that the magicules were replaced by a different name and method of 'The Force.' Which focuses on telekinesis abilities and extremely minor elemental abilities. Another notable example being a world where there are 'Servants' and 'Holy grails.' and ' Mages'. Though I myself haven't figured out how it functions completely.

Magicules are everywhere,though its concept and ways of performance might differ and alter depending on different universes. My original universe had their magicules completely extinct already. Not even in terms of different ways of usage. It simply lacked it,or any concepts of it are gone from time. Other universes,such as 'The Force' is the result of magicules developing towards a different way our universe did.

The concept of 'it' exists everywhere originally,though ultimately each of them could walk on a different path of development or extinction. In here,it works like how it is,but in other universes it could be otherwise.It could develop into magic,or 'The Force'. Though maybe it's different,I would say Magicules is the one closest,if not the origin as Veldanava himself utilizes Magicules instead of other fancy alternate forms/abilities it turned into over time and environment.

Wait,why am I having a history class with myself? Maybe it's for the purpose of being read by the readers-Nevermind,I should not just break the 4th wall so easily. Forget about it,to whoever witnesses it. Having that much fancy thoughts over a fight wasn't that preferred-

<Master,I wouldn't still be thinking in your head if I were you now.>

'Wait Ciel? Why is that?'

Just as I was asking Ciel,I could feel something touching my arms,feeling sharp and cold,and realized it was Velzard's spear finally landing a hit on my body for once,after 4 minutes.

'And I lost to history,and my idiocy. Now I know what Ciel means.'

<Hmph,should have listened,>

Seriously,I can already imagine her pouting right now. But I prefer not to say it outloud or else she will probably torture me in my mind.

"Yes yes! I did it Rimuru!" She instantly stopped doing anything on her hand and started to jump on me and hug me in delight like a child.

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