[ 007 ] i could never really hate you

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❛ i could never really hate you ❜

CHAPTER SEVEN❛ i could never really hate you ❜

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𓆩♰𓆪 ┊The animosity between Rhaenyra and Alicent only deepened over the past two years, leaving Rebekah caught in the crossfire of their bitter feud

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𓆩♰𓆪 The animosity between Rhaenyra and Alicent only deepened over the past two years, leaving Rebekah caught in the crossfire of their bitter feud. It pained her to see her two former friends consumed by misery and resentment.

Despite their strained relationship, Rhaenyra and Rebekah were obligated to assist in preparing Alicent for her wedding day. What had once been a close friendship now lay shattered between the Princess and the new Queen Alicent, leaving a palpable tension in the air whenever they were together.

As tensions rose and conflicts escalated, Rebekah found solace in the company of her dragon, Syrax. Whenever the weight of her troubled relationships became too much to bear, she would seek refuge with her loyal companion, finding comfort in the bond they shared.

Viserys never intervened when Rhaenyra expressed her desire to visit Summerhall. He recognized the importance of maintaining their strained relationship, especially after marrying Alicent Hightower. To avoid further conflict, he permitted Rhaenyra to visit Summerhall as long as she informed him beforehand.

Rebekah made every effort to support Rhaenyra during her visits. They would embark on adventures together, riding their dragons Helios and Syrax to distant lands like Dragonstone. They would explore the castle grounds, engaging in playful games like hide and seek. On the beach, they would run and frolic, reveling in their carefree moments together. Despite the weight of their impending responsibilities as young women, they found solace in each other's company.

As they matured, Viserys and Rhaenys reminded Rebekah of the necessity of choosing a husband. However, they assured her that the decision would ultimately be hers, honoring the promise made by Jaehaerys and Alysanne. Rebekah felt a mix of excitement and apprehension at the prospect of marriage, but she took comfort in knowing that she would have the freedom to choose her path.

"It's ridiculous that Rhaenys suggests I marry Mal. He's practically Daemon's age . . . and he's an arrogant fool..."

"A smitten fool that's quite taken with you Aunt. Would you choose him if it means not having to marry Borros Baratheon?"

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