[ 002 ] heart of gold

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❛ heart of gold ❜

CHAPTER TWO❛ heart of gold ❜

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

𓆩𓆪 The Godswood offered a peaceful retreat from Rebekah's troubles, a place where she could seek solace away from the turmoil within her family. It was her tendency to avoid confronting her problems, especially in times of grief.

Deciding to skip the meeting with Viserys, Rebekah opted instead to lose herself in reading and honing her sword skills in private. She couldn't bring herself to face him, feeling more allegiance to Aemma, whose distress she blamed on Viserys's desire for a son.

As Rebekah sheathed her sword, she was surprised by the sound of applause. Alicent Hightower, smiling, approached her.

"Thank you, Alicent. Perhaps you'd like to try?" Rebekah offered her sword, but Alicent declined, preferring books over blades.

They sat together beneath the big tree, Rebekah resting her head on Alicent's lap while Alicent read. Alicent's gentle touch through Rebekah's hair evoked memories of comforting her during nightmares.

"I've missed you and my niece. Summerhall is lovely but lonely," Rebekah sighed.

"How are the nightmares?" Alicent inquired with concern.

"They're getting better. Tea and chocolate cake help," Rebekah replied, prompting a disapproving hum from Alicent, though her amused expression betrayed her true feelings.

Changing the subject, Rebekah asked about marriage prospects, expressing fear at the approaching time for her to wed.

"Marriage isn't all bad," Alicent reassured her. "You are the Princess of Summerhall, loved throughout Kingslanding. I'm sure his Grace wouldn't force you into a marriage. Queen Alysanne would ensure your happiness."

Rebekah smiled at the mention of her grandparents' love for her. "I suppose you're right. If anyone tries to force me, I'll feed them to Helios."

The conversation turned lighthearted as they joked, but Rebekah eventually resolved to confront Viserys.

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