Chapter 1: New Avenger?

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I am now infront of the famous six who saved the world from Alien invasion.

They look at me with a hint of surprise as they rise up from the couch. Tony Stark walks in and pats my head giving a father like smile.

"Hey guys meet Y/n, she will be our new Avenger." Tony said to the others and took a bite of cheeseburger from his hand.

"So what kind of powers do you have?" someone with red hair, I assume Natasha asked me.

"She's mute" Tony replied and took a bite of his cheeseburger again before I could sign and tell her.

"And how can she be useful if she's mute?" she asked rudely.

"She can read minds, bring out roots and plant monsters from anywhere, move things from here to there, teleport herself anywhere which sounds pretty useful to me." he replied and took a sip of his drink from the counter.

She tilted her head a little with surprise.

"Can you demonstrate some for us?" a blonde man behind her asked. I think his name was something like captain America?

I nodded and moved a chair from corner to Tony's back with my hands, for which he nodded a 'thanks' and sat on it, peacefully finishing his food.

Captain America raised his eyebrows showing he's impressed. Natasha smirked and told me to show the next power.

I moved my hands and brought out roots from floor out of nowhere, but to get a little mischievous I turned the roots into monsters.

Just when they were close to eat her up a held a finger and turned them into dust, leaving her with a pale scared face.

I giggled and signed 'I'm sorry'. She rolled her eyes and then smiled a little.

I teleported myself from her eyes to behind her back. I tapped her shoulder, and when she turned I created a daisy in my hand and gave to her. She accepted and smiled.

Then I closed my eyes to show them my next power...

'I should've I buyed another cheeseburger, damn I feel so hungry again...'

I took out my mini book-pen and wrote down what I heard. In a few fingers the paper went from my hands to Tony's.

He read it and blushed. "Don't read my mind again Kiddo" he said after crumbling the piece of paper and throwing it on a dustbin.

I laughed till he gave a glare.

They all looked at each other with impressed faces.

"Welcome to the team Kid."


A few weeks later, Tony came in with a disappointed look.

"Everything okay?" Steve asked Tony, he let out a breath.

"Loki's coming back" he said in a most disappointed way.

''What!?" Steve ross up from his chair. Tony put his hands around his forehead.

"As a guest and also might be an......Avenger." he said the last part in the saddest way possible.

"How did you allow this?" Steve asked with full rage. "I didn't Thor did and now even S.H.I.E.L.D" he took a seat and wrapped his hand around his forehead again.

Steve too sat down and gave a dull look.

Who is Loki?


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