"So technically, it can't grant anything," Marisa said, making Ibaraki laugh.

"Well, yeah, but it's more attractive if you promote it as if it could grant anything," Ibaraki said mischievously, making Marisa mutter "What a scam" to herself.

"Ibaraki, if we save Sakura early on, then the romance between her and Shirou won't bloom," Shuten said sadly, as she is a hardcore shipper of Sakura and Shirou.

"I can't believe you enjoy the Sakura route more than the Saber route!" Ibaraki exclaimed, throwing her hands up in frustration.

Shuten smirked. "Sorry, but Sakura's route had a deeper emotional impact on me. Saber's route was good, but it just didn't hit me in the same way."

Ibaraki rolled her eyes. "That's because Saber's route is objectively superior. The romance between Saber and Shirou is so much more developed and meaningful than Sakura and Shirou's relationship."

"But Sakura's route has so much more character development for Shirou," Shuten countered. "And the themes of sacrifice and redemption are so much more prominent in her route."

Ibaraki snorted. "Those themes are present in Saber's route too, but they're handled much more elegantly. And don't even get me started on the action scenes."

Shuten raised an eyebrow. "Action scenes? I thought you were all about the romance, Ibaraki."

Ibaraki bristled. "I appreciate a good action scene as well. And besides, Saber's route strikes a perfect balance between action and romance."

Marisa couldn't help but giggle at the two of them. "You two are so passionate about this, it's adorable."

Ibaraki and Shuten both turned to Marisa, glaring at her.

"This isn't a laughing matter, Marisa," Ibaraki said sternly.

"Sorry, sorry," Marisa said, still chuckling. "I just think it's funny how worked up you two get over this."

The two continued their argument, each defending their favorite route with all their might, while Marisa watched on, thoroughly entertained.

They arrived at the hill while Shuten and Ibaraki panting and feel their throat dry after a heated discussion while Nyx give them both a water bottle, Marisa is yawning since she thoroughly slept when the two are arguing

"Who won?" Marisa teased, making them snort before declaring in unison, "Me."

"Okay, okay, let's go, you two. We should be serious right now since our license is on the line," Marisa said as she looked at the barren hill.

"So, there's a barrier here like the Hakurei Barrier," Marisa said. "Yes, and we can enter if we have enough mana in our bodies," Nyx replied.

Ibaraki and Shuten decided to call a truce and be serious. The four of them walked toward the center, and they could feel the barrier ripple as they approached the hidden building.

The Mage Association headquarters in Fuyuki City is a large, modern building that stands out from its surroundings due to its imposing size and unique design. The building is located on a hill overlooking the city, and it is surrounded by a large, well-maintained garden.

The main entrance to the building is a set of large, double doors that lead into a spacious lobby. The lobby is decorated with marble floors, high ceilings, and ornate chandeliers that give it an air of elegance and sophistication. The walls are lined with artwork and displays of magical artifacts, and there are several reception desks staffed by uniformed employees who greet visitors and direct them to their destination.

Beyond the lobby, there are numerous offices, meeting rooms, and research facilities, each with its unique design and purpose. The building is also equipped with state-of-the-art security systems, including magical barriers and wards, to ensure the safety of its occupants and their research.

Overall, the Mage Association headquarters in Fuyuki City is a grand and impressive structure that reflects the power and prestige of the organization that calls it home.

"Suddenly, I feel out of place with this," Marisa muttered. Ibaraki comforted her, telling her that it was okay.

Vyr led the way inside with confidence, and the three of them followed her.


I tend to favor the Unlimited Blade Works route due to the intriguing love triangle involving protagonist Shirou Emiya, and his conflicted affections towards both Rin Tohsaka and Saber, which adds a layer of depth and complexity to the narrative.

Hey, I'm starting to realize that I'm turning into my old self again, only now with better grammar! It's like leveling up in a video game, but instead of getting a new power, I get to sound smarter!

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