4) Chase

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 It was the time you dreaded the most. Should I have just ran away? Leave the city? The state? Maybe the country?  You walked along the stores and you kept an eye for anything suspicious.

"She headed your way. Less than 10 feet." He spoke through the earpiece as he walked along the building roofs.


You noticed some black silhouettes from the corner of your eye. Noticing this you ran away from there. Instead of heading home you took a turn and went to the police station. I should've just came here yesterday! 

You ran into the police station huffing and puffing as many officers took notice of your presence. "Come here, sit down." One of them told you as you made your way to his table, "Are you okay? Did something happen?" He looked over to one of his co-workers and gave him a nod. He went outside to go check for anything out of the ordinary.

"I- I- These people- they-" You fumbled with your words as you tried to make out a proper sentence. 

"Here." He handed you a glass of water. Without hesitating you drank about half the glass before starting to steady your breaths, "Alright, now tell me what happened." 

"I was at home and they left a note saying they'll pick me up at ten. I got away, but they're waiting for me." You told him as he silently listened. 

"Who's they?" He questioned as he took out a paper and wrote a few things out. 

"SKZ." You answered him just as the cop from outside came back. 

"Sir, no one's outside." He told him before returning to his seat. 

With his co-worker's response he stopped writing and crumbled up the paper, "Broke into your house, and they left a note? Do you think I'm some idiot? Youngsters like you have played jokes like this before, I'm not falling for it." 

"Please! Believe me! They're outside waiting for me!" You pleaded. 

"So are you saying that he's lying?" He asked pointing at the officer that checked outside. 

"No sir, I-"

"Let's assume that you're speaking the truth, but how would you describe that they came into your home and left a note, and just decided to leave? They're known for being ruthless, and you wouldn't be here if that was the case." He stated. 

"Sir please, you have to believe me! I saw them, they're coming for me, please!" You pleaded as two officers forced you out. 

"Please-" But before you could finish they slammed the door shut in your face. You banged the door trying to get them to open it, but it was no use. You looked around, no one was there, as if it was some sort of a ghost town. Where did all these people go? There's no way the people would leave this early. It didn't make sense, something must've happened. 

I don't want to go home, but I can't stay out here either...What do I do?"

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