8) G-idle?

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Some guy dressed up in a suit aggressively grabbed your hand and took you out of the room. He stopped mid track and pulled out a soft black silky blindfold. He tied it around your eyes before taking you somewhere once again. You didn't fight back and went where you were being guided. Is this the leader? Is he going to kill me?

After some time, he stopped forcing you to stop as well. He took off the blindfold as you adjusted your vision to the bright lights. In front of you was a big door and what assumed to be a room or something.

"Wait here." He told you before walking off, you just silently stood there and observed the place, it was nothing like the basement. After a few minutes he came back out, "Go in, leader wants to see you." He told you before walking away but stopped next to you, "And I'd just obey him if I were you." He whispered in your ear before actually walking away this time.

You hesitantly pushed the door open which revealed a guy sitting in a chair facing the other side, his chair had the coat hanging on it. He gave some sort of a single with his hand, waving two finger around -and everyone in the room quickly dispersed off.

"About time we finally met." He spoke as you just stood there. He turned the chair around as his cold eyes met yours. You observed his features, his hair neatly done with part of his forehead showing. He was wearing a shirt with dress pants which were secured with a belt around the waist. He gestured you to come closer, "Sit down." You silently obeyed his orders as you felt uncomfortable with the aura of the room. The meeting room had a huge long desk running down the middle with chairs surrounding the sides. Papers were neatly stacked in the middle and the chairs were in their places. "So?" He begins, "You don't know them?"
He threw the same file you had seen earlier onto the desk. Except this time there were more papers. "Are you mute?" He questioned getting up lifting his eyebrow, "I need an answer. Or I can do much worse than that." He spoke implying the burns on your arm.

"No..." you told him quietly as he situated himself next to the chair you were currently sitting in.

"No what?" He questioned.

"No, I don't know them." You replied.

He took a deep breath in and let out a sigh, "Bring her in." He yelled with a really loud voice.

The door opened revealing a girl held some guard, but she hung her head low making it impossible to see her face through her messed up hair. The guard then bowed and stood in the corner as the girl took a seat.

"How do you know each other?" He questioned.

She lifted her head finally revealing her face. Your eyes slightly widened as her face was covered in cuts and bruises. The so called leader smirked at your reaction.

"So? Anyone gonna answer my question or..?" He took of his belt and set it aside.

"I don't know her." The girl spoke up. Her voice stronger than steel, as sharp as ice, and full of confidence.

"I don't know her either." You replied shifting your gaze onto the girl once again, you couldn't help but feel bad for her. She looked skinny, way to skinny, as if she had been starved for days. The leader got up and went to the side grabbing something before coming back. He threw a gun on the desk and stood there arms crossed.

"Let's make this interesting, whoever shoots the other first, is the winner." He claimed.

You and the girl looked at each other as he just left the room with the guard following right behind.

"So, do you have a name?" She asked eyeing your t-shirt.

"Y/n..." you replied quietly, "You?"

"Soyeon, what's with the shirt?" She questioned.

You shifted your gaze to the t-shirt then her, "Dunno, They gave it to me. Or changed me into it...I really don't know." You answered her, "Have you...been here for long?" You questioned.

"Been here for a month. Tch- all they know is how to beat people up." She answered before walking over next to you and taking a seat. She gently grabbed your arm and looked the the cigarette burn, "Must've hurt."

You silently nodded your head as your eyes landed on more bruises covering her arms. She noticed and sighed, "You been here for long?" But before you could answer the so called leader slammed the door open and men walked in grabbing both you and Soyeon. They dragged her away meanwhile your head landed on the table with a loud thud. Sharp pain took over your head as you slowly closed your eyes.


When you woke up you were in the same room as earlier. You grunted in pain as you got up holding your head.

"Easy now." You flinched but calmed down a bit as it was only Soyeon, but this time she was covered in many more bruises. She had a busted lip and blood tricking down the side of her head. "Don't worry. I can handle it. Been in the business for years. It's nothing."

"Why do they want you?" You questioned.

"My parents took a ransom from them, so did I. Best day of my life." She chuckled before speaking again, "The only thing I want is for my members to be safe. Even though one...anyways, yeah. I'm from G-Idle by the way, not sure if you've heard of us or not. One of my other group member is also here, I don't know where though." Visible pain was seen in her eyes as she shifted onto the bed. "How long have you been here?" She questioned.

"I don't know...a few days?" You replied. She hummed in response as you sat quietly.

"So, is there any specific reason they bought you here?" She questioned breaking the silence.

"No, they think I'm involved with you, even though I'm not." You replied looking away from her.

The door opened revealing some really good looking dude. He put a plate of food on the floor near the door. His eyes seemed familiar, he hungrily looked at you as you realized you've met him before, He's the one who I almost escaped from... He pulled your hand harshly digging his nails into your skin, causing a small whimper to escape your mouth. But Soyeon was quick to act and grabbed his hand aggressively shoving it to the side. "She has nothing to do with any of this."

You looked at her, though she didn't know you she was willing to help you. He let go of your hand and walked out slamming the door shut as he walked out.
"Thank you." You told her as she sat down on the corner of the bed.

"Don't mention it. I wouldn't trust anyone if I were you, not even me." Soyeon told you as she inched closer to you. "Eat." She spoke giving you the plate of food. You shook your head to a no as she just sighed, "Listen I'm coming near the end of my days. It's better for you to stay healthy and get out." She spoke holding the plate closer to you.

"You should be the one eating, going through everything yet you're still..." You stopped halfway causing a small chuckle to escape her mouth.

"I'm not humble. I'm only humble when I have to be, other than that..." she leans in closer, "I can be a beast..." she whispered in your ear. She backed up and smiled, "I want to give you something- a gift." She spoke. She leaned in and pecked your cheek before backing away. Your cheeks started to heat up as she just smiled at your dumbfounded reaction. "Don't take it personally, I only do it to people I like." 

Like? Trust? Personally? What the hell is going on?

The door opened revealing four men this time around, all four from the plane. Two grabbed Soyeon and the other two grabbed you. They forced you to walk down the dark halls and into a certain room. They pushed you and Soyeon in there as someone was already sitting on the chair waiting for you both. The leader?...the one who kissed me...the guy whose face I smashed with the vase... I think, are these all my kidnappers?

"Wow a reunion, how great." Soyeon spoke sarcastically. The so called leader shot her a glare before turning his eyes to you.

"Clearly our little game didn't work out." He spoke getting up, "How about we make things interesting?" He questioned looking at you up and down. "Every wrong answer and she pays." He told you both.

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