1) Strange Girl

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"Can you please hold this paper for me?" A young girl ran around the cafe frantically, as she held a small piece of paper in her hand. Many customers simply shook their heads to a no, or replied with a sorry. "Can you please take care of this paper?" She questioned.

You looked at her then the paper, "Sure but I-" but before you could finish your sentence she thanked you and ran off. Confused by this you glanced at the paper. There was a set of numbers printed on the paper nothing else. Tilting your head in confusion you lift it in the air having the light shine through it, still nothing. Was this a prank?  You thought to yourself neatly folding the piece of paper and putting it away in your bag.

It was late at night as you were stretching your arms. After giving the cafe one final look you turned the lights off and walked outside. You sighed after closing the door and locking it, "Can't believe I worked over time, once again. One more time that bastard takes a day off..." you talked to yourself looking at the camera, "Yeah, I hope you're hearing this, and you know why? Because you don't even work."

Now if you were talking about the manager or the slightly broken camera, no one knows.  On that note, you grabbed the garbage bags and headed towards the trash can around the corner. The manager's lucky this salary gets me enough money to live comfortably, you thought to yourself. You walked to the garbage can and heard some commotion as you quietly threw the trash away. You hid behind the garbage can, keeping your distance in order to not touch it. Crouching behind, you slowly peeked your head out from behind the big can.

"Where's my money? You think you can just hide away and not expect us to come hunting after you?" Some guy spoke.

"I- I'm sorry! I p-promise, I'll get you your money, give me some time! Please!" The guy on the floor begged, he was badly injured.

"No, we don't work like that, sorry." Another guy spoke.

"Let my father go!" A young girl yelled at them. You recognized that voice, it was the girl who had come in earlier. Someone harshly grabbed her and knocked her on the floor, punching her  repeatedly a few times before stepping away. Her father pleaded for them to stop as his condition was just as horrible.

"Please, please!" The man begged, "I'll g-give you my i-information. Let my daughter go..." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a crumbled piece of paper. The paper was harshly grabbed by one of the men.

"Where the hell is the rest!?" The man demanded, but got no reply in return. Soon enough hearing the man cock back the gun your eyes widened. Oh nah. Nope. Not getting caught up in this. Every mafia or gang movie starts out like this and the watcher always dies. Nope, bye.  You told yourself before quietly backing away. While backing you turn around and hit something. You look down at the person's shoes holding your head, and then up towards the man.

"And just what do you think you're doing?" The guy questioned you as you scooted a bit to the side with your back now against the wall.

"Throwing away the trash." You answered calmly.

He tilts his head looking at you and then the men behind you, "Throwing away trash? This didn't look like that just now."

"Here's a deal, you move aside," you spoke, gently shoving him to the side, "and I, will just walk away, like nothing happened- I saw nothing. Matter of fact I can't even see-"

Cutting yourself off and without a moment to lose you broke into a sprint. And without saying a word he quickly ran after you. You heard a loud gunshot as you ran away from the illegal business. Your eyes widening in fear as you cursed yourself for getting stuck in this situation. I better be getting a gold Olympic medal after this  You thought to yourself as you ran. Looking behind you noticed there were two people coming after you now. Continuing to run, you tried to pick up your pace as you noticed another silhouette running on the side through the other side of the alley. You take a sharp right entering another street, but accidentally bumped onto the side of the building causing your phone to fall down. Do I pick it up, no leave it they'll catch up- But my phone- no leave it, personal info-  You ran and grabbed your phone before taking off again.




You managed to make it inside your apartment. Your apartment wasn't too big, but it wasn't too small either. You glanced at your phone, dead. Great, just great. You thought as you double checked all the windows and doors before heading towards your room. You put your phone in charge and waited, even one percent was good enough. You heard banging on your front door. You grew impatient as you hoped that someone might complain or so, and call the police.

"We know you're in there sweetheart! Open the door." A voice called out.

"What the hell is all thi-"


Your eyes widened as you covered your mouth in shock. They killed her. Your neighbor. Tears formed in your eyes as you just wanted your phone to charge quicker. "Please, please...." you muttered still in shock wanting your phone to charge faster. Fear had taken over your body, you were shivering as the banging grew louder. But after a few seconds it stopped. Silence took over everything as you quietly sat there against the wall, tears flowing down your cheeks. Your silent cries muffled as you tightly shut your mouth with your hand, too scared to let any sound escape from your lips.

* * * * * Next Day * * * * *

You woke up with your phone charged all the way. You walked into the living room cautiously, still scared from the night before. You looked around and everything seemed to be in its place. However, your calm and relaxed body tensed up as you saw a note stuck on the black TV screen.

I hope you rested well sweetheart. Pity we couldn't take you then, but we do hope to see you soon. We'll come back at 10:00 to pick you up. Try to tell anyone, and both you and that person will get their head cut off.


           SKZ (Turn the paper around)

You felt a shiver down your spine as you turned the paper around.

Have a look at the generous gift we left you outside.

You made your way through the living room to the front door. You hesitantly pulled the door open, and there was nothing other than a small box wrapped in red paper and a black ribbon. You looked around and there was no sight of anything. You were sure you heard the gunshot. You weren't dreaming. But how come no one was alerted...But what was the worst of all was when you came to a realization. They had been inside your home. They had gotten in, but how? Everything was in its place. Just then your heart sunk.

Your neighbor... You grabbed the decorated box and went in. You placed it on the desk in the center of the living room and slowly pulled the edge of the ribbon. The box opened. What you saw left you in more shock than before.

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