Chapter 21 Why?

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As we walked down the street I see a river ," Annie you like swimming right?" Yes I really wanna swim! She nods with a smile, I look to my mates and three hopefuls " Would you all like to take Tommy and Annie swimming I look at Lance? I asked with a smile, Catching on quickly they smile and we walk on ahead getting to the water I step into the edge Annie gets in ," Come on Lance !" Annie said giggling Tommy is having fun talking with Rory and Orion the others are watching on Lance gets in playing with Annie and motions me to swim out I do Annie would dive off his big shoulders and swim to me she laughed and I see a smile on his face, " Are you getting tired Annie?" I'm hungry again I giggled okay let's get out she got out and ran to Czar ,it surprised him again but I can see the grin on his face ,and then " SLAP" on my cheek as I was walking out , " How dare you touch my mate!"
" I look to Lance who is visibly angry !" My mates growled , trying not to lose my temper "If he wanted to be your mate then he would have been there already!" Grrr " How dare you?" , " Look here we don't know other , but by your arrogant attitude I assume your a princess!" , He will be mine! She growled , I look to Lance " Do you want to be my mate?" Turning me to face him ,looking into my eyes " Please " ," You heard him he's my mate!" , her mates growled " I'll get you!" she yelled " King Ayhan knows about me if you have a problem with me take it up with the majesties!" She huffed and left with at least a dozen beastmen, taking a deep breath " Did I overstep or do something I shouldn't with her?" No you did fine! Lance stated confidently, " Rory ,Ozzy are you both happy I mean so you want to join our family? I heard a strong "yes" in unison I look to all my mates they nod "Shouldn't we tell King Ayhan?" I asked They nod I smile you lead the way Verioath carried me I smiled and stroked his hair as we made our way down the streets Czar carried Annie while Tommy stuck with Rory ,I giggle in my mind he looks amused we follow Ozzy, Rory, and Lance they pass through and we are stopped " Let them pass!" Rory growls, " Highness our princess ordered us not too!" She is our mate! " Move let them pass!" Ozzy said " They reluctantly let us through we walked down a long corridor past many beastmen and beastwomen, Who eyed me curiously we went into a room with a small table and beautiful furs after after a little while "Sons" we bowed Tommy and Annie did so too ,they smile at him " she's accepted us!" Ozzy said with a smile ," Now I'm very happy you accepted them as I asked but I want to know why you did?" King Ayhan, " I watched them get along with my mates, the cubs were fascinated with them and they seemed to enjoy them ,there skilled healers and fighters and we went swimming, I looked at Lance, a princess slapped me as we walked out ," claiming I touched her mate " I told her " If he wanted her he would be with her already!" So I asked him if he wanted to be my mate? he said yes and I accepted! They were upset that I was slapped but didn't overreact showing they could control there temper! Oh " I also told her you knew I was with them and if she had a problem to talk to you! "Please forgive me King Ayhan" I don't want to cause you trouble " Hush daughter!" You did well " Thank you your majesty!" , Father the guards were ordered to not let our mate in ,we had to intervene! "Our mate is pregnant !"Dante said ,she doesn't need trouble ,he said protectively " Hmm I will take care of this!" He smiled " Your den is ready and it's getting late why don't you stay there tonight? " Thank you King Ayhan!" I said going out to the carriage Rory shifted and flew along side us leading the way! What a twist will she like her den? Will she find new friends or foes? Read on to see!

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