Chapter 5 The Palace and Pursuers

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When we arrives the flying carriage landed with two fires one on each side! He stepped out taking my hand , he walks me in I notice the guards peeking as we walk pass my thoughts.... I'm glad they like me , I think I am I say to myself , not knowing what to expect I picture in my mind a king and queen on a throne overlooking a table but no , there were all manner of beastmen around the table chatting and enjoying company his and her highness are at the end all her majesties mates are there a fox wolf , Phoenix "I think , snake , a man with wings and a horn "not sure", as I'm taking a glance around Verioath takes my hand leading me to the head of the table we bow " mother, father my mate!" You may rise I stood up slowly look at me taking a deep breath I look at a beautiful beastwomen with long wavy hair red with black streaks tan skin and violet eyes she appears young but I'm certain she's not " you will do nicely!" Queen says his highness nodded "sit " I was led to sit next to Verioath , a little young imp girl wearing a hide top and skirt brought us both food and what I think is sake the food was a kind of meat and a red vegetable that tastes like a cross between a pepper and a pumpkin. Scanning the table there were tigers , leopards, panthers, dragons and I guess there like fairy beasts they glow and like braiding hair I look back to Verioath he blushes and holds my hand in his lap " I have a gift for you! " You do ? I smile he pulls out a golden hairpin with a fox dangling with golden spirals on the end " It's beautiful " I holding back tears. " not nearly as beautiful as you!" He slips the pin into my hair "Come here Jessica!" Surprised she said my name I thought, then I approached her majesty she gestures for me to sit by her " you are very beautiful " Thank you for the compliment I smiled " You are of course my oldest sons mate , but please consider my other sons!" I look at her, and then down my thoughts... I can't say no without insulting them and I don't want that maybe they'll be good to me I mean we did discuss this Verioath and I " clearing my throat quietly I take a drink of some juice I was handed I look at her " I would like to meet them first if they really want me I'll accept them!" Ha hahaha looking at her majesties mates they all seem curious and mildly approving calling my attention four beastmen walked into the room " these are four of my sons the others are too young!" She smiles a tall red haired muscular princely fellow approached me with golden eyes and red claws dressed in a red kimono " I am Azar please accept me as your mate he held up a hair pin with a phoenix it had a glowing red bead " It's beautiful " I glance at Verioath he nods I accept you! He blushes a puts his pin in my hair ,then a tall fellow with a handsome face and wild champagne colored hair and baby blue eyes, wings, and a single horn approach me "I am Theo please accept me as your mate?" He says in a very alluring voice that draws one in "I accept you!" He pulled out a hair pin with a Pegasus hanging from the end and his hair was appeared to be woven into the silken dangles by the figure " I accept you Theo!" He smiled putting his pin in my hair then a wolf beastmen approached he had dark gray almost black fur ears tan skin muscular princely example "I am Czar please accept me as your mate !" I glance once again to Verioath he nods " I accept you Czar !" He happily pulled out a hair pin there was a glowing beads in the center and a wolf on the end " thank you he whispered into my ear while putting the pin in I smiled , then I was approached by a snake beastmen he had shining luminescent green scales and wild green hair and red eyes with a slim muscular build " I am Dante please accept me as your mate?" he had claws the color of his scales "beautiful I thought " " I accept you Dante" he smiled and hissed with a slight blush pulling out a hairpin with a glowing jade snake coiled loosely and red glowing eyes " thank you Dante!" His kissed my hand and put the pin in my hair the other Beastmen and beastwomen clapped , other's look up at me with hopes " Now daughter which of my sons are you mating tonight? I flush beeet red. So how do you like the twist ? Who will she mate first?

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