Chapter 15 Tiger Castle 2

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I look around to my mates and take a deep breath before stepping out ,I turn and look at them " Will you be angry with me if they try to mate me with uhmm I mean because the princess didn't have her way ? I sigh , " We won't like it ,but we'll try to keep you safe ! Azar said I nod " Is that how all of you feel?"I ask "Yes " Dante said ,taking a deep breath, "If I have to accept then please try our best not to fight!" ,we stand Verioath steps out first carrying me on his arm they walk through the doors the tiger guards turn to walk along each side of us arriving at the throne room our majesties are sitting at the side of the tiger majesties , I look to Czar I can tell is upset but maintaining composure I smile at him Verioath bends down letting me stand ,we all bow to the tiger king and queen, looking at her she is very pretty her eyes are so blue there almost violet her hair a blend of orange, and white with black she had cat ears and a tail the tiger king had stripes and the of a tiger and wings "kind of like a griffin maybe he is " I thought I look to the side and see guards with the maids and then " We have learned of the troubles you have endured ,and will punish the princess for her misdeeds!" " Your majesties!" I say may I ask " What exactly did she do ?" Your maids are spies paid by princess! " I see" as proof of our sincerest apologies " Please accept tiger prince as mate!" Taking a deep breath, I look to Czar ,Azar ,Theo, Dante and Verioath they look down " Your majesties, I would like to meet him first and then decide, is this acceptable?" Yes , I nod tall muscular tiger beastman with wings walked out he wore a kimono had white stripes ears and a tail his hair was wild and white with black streaks he had one blue eye and one gold " This is our son Prince Orion !" Hello! I said He approached me "I am Orion please accept me as your mate he had a necklace with a winged tiger holding three stones one blue, one gold, and one diamond ! " It's beautiful " I say I look to the majesties " may I speak to him alone?" And look to Czar he nods and back to them " Does this mean you accept? I'd just like to speak with him alone then decide! I say ,they nod the maid led me to a room " I'm here princess " Prince Orion " look at me please!" I'd like to get to know you, but " What is your reasoning ?" " I want a beautiful mate!" He says smiling , may I ask a question? Of course " Please don't take offense to this but princess had her spies poison me , "Are you offering to mate me only to protect your sister?" No , princess is obsessed with Verioath I admit power is a bonus but I think your pretty, and you prove your smart by being cautious I nod " Will you promise to try to get along with all my mates !" Then I'll accept you ! " May I" "He said " Yes Orion " he put the necklace on he held my hand and walked out ! We turned to the tiger majesties and bowed " thank you!" We turn to go sit " "majesties please stay for the feast in celebration !" I look to Verioath he nods " We would be honored!" " Orion take her for a tour of the palace!" , " Please be careful with her she is expecting cubs!" Mother said " Oh how exciting, I hope to see Orion have cubs soon as well!" The tiger majesties say, I smile and blush ! What will happen during the celebration? Will she learn any secrets?

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