Though anniversaries, Samir's birthday or my birthday will always be hard for me, it has gotten easier with every day because of Mason. He never complains or asks for anything when I pull back and need to sort out my feelings. He's a saint – a saint with a filthy mouth and a heart made of pure gold. And he tells me everyday how much he loves me.

After popping my head in the groom's room only to find it empty, I find Mason in the venue's deserted kitchen hunched over a Baklava tray that's been placed there for after the ceremony while holding Sameen in one arm. His cheeks are moving, chewing, and he's already reaching for a second bite when he feels me approaching. He straightens, turns, and looks at me feebly. "Hey," he munches around the sweet pastry in his mouth, trying to hide it by holding up a hand to his mouth.

Sameen giggles, gripping his dress-shirt by his collar and crumpling the fabric between her tiny fingers.

I give him a lopsided smile as I step closer, folding my hands behind my back. "Where's everyone?"

He swallows. "Something about a flower emergency."

"Ah, that's why they left all the food trays unwatched." I smile, biting my lip as a rosy hue colors his cheeks. "How many have you had?"

The two culprits exchange a look and I'm convinced that in that moment they make a pact. Mason looks at me. "Only two."

Deciding to believe him, I saunter closer. "I won't rat you out, if I get a bite too."

He tries to bite down his smirk by putting his sticky thumb into his mouth to suck off the sugar syrup, but I see the pull in his cheeks. "What do you think, baby girl, should we share with aunty Rye Rye?" he asks Sameen incredulously.

Waiting for the tiny judge to decide, I take Mason in. His hair is pulled back, one braid on top of his head leading to a messy bun in the back of his head with only a few shorter strands falling around his temples. He's dressed in navy slacks and a simple light-blue button-down with rolled-up sleeves to reveal his tattooed forearms. I've seen him like this before – this morning actually – but now my mouth waters for an entirely different reason. He looks yummy. Mason has been working out so much the past year, surfing with me almost every morning and lifting in a gym at least three days a week. He's gotten incredibly fit.

Sameen contemplates his question for a moment and then nods once, curd and then her chubby cheeks stretch with the cutest smile that shows the entire bottom row of her teeth.

"Why thank you." I sidle up next to the two and wait for Mason to feed me a piece. I bite off half of it and then Mason bends to seal my lips with his.

When he pulls back, his smile is bright. "Good?"

I make a show of rubbing my belly as I chew. "Mmmmh."

Sameen squeaks.

I hold my hands out, waiting for her to reach for me. "Wanna go see mommy?"

She releases another squeak and practically jumps out of Mason's arms and into mine. "Be right back," I tell Mason. His bottom lips juts out slightly. "Rathi needs a distraction before."

That seems to appease him, and with a light peck on his cheek, I lightly jiggle her daughter and turn on my heel.

Rathi beams when she takes her daughter from me. "Hi, sweety. Look at you! So pretty."

"Don't let her pull at your earrings. They're flimsy," I remind my friend who's already forgotten her nervosity and my presence.

Leaving them to their mother-daughter-moment and heading out into the hall again, Mason wraps his arms around my waist and backs me up against a wall before dropping his lips to my neck. "How's she holding up?"

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