"Because if you leave you'll die." Newt blurted earning a glare from the mean boy.

    Newt looked over at him, "We can't just keep her fully in the dark. She deserves to know at least something,"

    The girl tensed in fear, what was he talking about? What was out there that was so dangerous?

    "Why will I die?" The girl asked carefully.

    Newt faced her again silently. His eyes seemed to stare straight through her. The girl felt like he could read her mind. Like he already knew her better than she knew herself. It creeped her out.

    "I- I can't tell you that yet. But what I can tell you is that we've all been in your situation before. Every month the Box comes back up with fresh supplies and a new Greenie. We all show up with no memory of our past." Newt explained.

    He paused and studied the girls reaction to the news. She was listening intently, not paying attention to the dozens of eyes staring at her. "You won't remember anything else other than you name. Its the only thing you'll remember." Newt continued.

    The girl felt unsteady. She didn't want to just remember her name! She wanted to know where she came from, her life's goals, her favorite song, her clothing preferences. She wanted to be normal, not befuddled.

    "Thats enough." The dark skinned boy said before Newt could continue. "Newt take her to the Homestead and give her an extra bed. And for the last time get back to work!" He yelled before turning away. As he stormed off the girl could just barely hear him order, "And someone call a Gathering!"

    Hearing all these unfamiliar words wasn't doing much to calm the girls hysteria. Slowly the boys began to break away the circle they had formed around the girl. Many of them left muttering about her.

    When most were gone, Newt turned to her, "I'm gonna take you to the Homestead, which is like our main house. The Keepers get to stay in there instead of sleeping in the hammocks like the others,"

    "Whats a Keeper?" The girl asked despite all the other more importaint questions circling through her brain.

    "Its a leader of a certain job. We have the Keeper of Cooks, Keeper of Slicers, Keeper of Builders, and of course me 'n Alby," Newt nodded looking back to where Alby, the hotheaded leader, was yelling at someone.

    "Why are we going to the homestead?" The girl asked testing the word unsurely.

    Newt gave a lopsided smile at her skepticism before saying, "I'm gonna show you where you'll be sleeping. We can't have you out here with the others, they haven't exactly ever seen a girl before." He said uncomfortably.

    The girl frowned at the thought before being struck with a new one. "What do you mean they haven't seen a girl before?"

    "Well look around Greenie, you don't exactly see girls skipping through the gardens now do you?" Newt asked sarcastically.

    "So you're saying there's no girls here," She stated breathlessly at the thought of being the only girl surrounded by hormonal teenage boys.

    Newt paused before saying, "Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying."

    The girl went silent, suddenly feeling even worse about her situation.

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