Surprise (Kendall Jenner)

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Inspired by @dav1233555.

Y/n's POV

Kendall is right now in New York since it is Fashion Week and she has a few shows that she has to attend. And I am going to surprise her since we haven't seen each other in three weeks. I was in Europe for two weeks since my company opened another office in two countries in Europe and I had to be there for the opening and whatsoever. Kendall couldn't join me because of the Fashion Week and something happened with her family right before the FW so she had to cancel on me.

Hence we couldn't see each other for over three weeks. Because the moment I came back she had to fly to Milan and after that, to Paris and now she is here for a few days and then she has to fly to London for her last shows of Fashion Week. She is so happy that it is almost over because then we can spend again some time together.

We have been together for over three years and since we are together she kinda hates the Fashion Week days since she has to be away from me and I can't join her most of the time because of my job. So it is a lot for both of us when she has her Fashion Week time. But today I am sure that she will not hate Fashion Week as much as she does since I will surprise her and be with her for the rest of the time.

She has no clue that I am even in the US. She thinks that I had to fly over to Spain because of an emergency at the company. So she does know that she can't reach out to me for a few hours. But obviously, I had to tell someone that I was coming since I needed help. So I called Hailey and told her that I would surprise Kendall and she gladly accepted to help me. She is the only one who knows that I will land in a few hours in New York.

Not even Kylie knows it even though she is my best friend but I know that if would had told her that I would have surprised her sister. Kendall would have known it the minute I told Kylie it. So I had to lie to her too. I knew that she will be mad at me but I had to. Otherwise, it wouldn't be a surprise.

I am right now texting with Hailey. She is telling me that they are having a shoot and after that, they have rehearsals at the place where Fashion Week will be held. Since I am about to land in New York I have a lot of time to go to Kendallʼs hotel and get into her room. Kris already called the hotel and they know that I will be there today and stay with Kendall in the same room. Hailey says that they won't be at the hotel until 5 pm which means I will get bored in the meantime.

I told no one that I was here in New York, not even my friends who live here so I can't do anything. Because the minute I meet with someone it will be on the news and I know for a fact that every headline about me goes in the second to Kendall and that means she would know that I am in New York. That is why I have to kill time here at the hotel.

A few hours later I get a text from Hailey and she says that they will arrive earlier than expected. So I got ready. I go shower and then change my outfit. Then I get another text from her that they are in the elevator. So I get into the bedroom and wait for her in front of our bed with a rose in my hand. I told Hailey to walk her into the room and after that leave her as soon as she brings her into the bedroom.

A few minutes later I hear the door opening and both of them are walking into the room. Kendall throws herself onto the bed and Hailey groans. "Kendall can you please go into your room when you want to lay down." She says to Kendall. I can imagine that she looks at Hailey as if she has two heads or something like that. "Why should I? The couch is comfy." Kendall says. "I don't care that is disgusting. Just go change your outfit and then go into your bed. We won't do anything today until late in the evening. So you can rest." She says.

"Ugggggh! Fine, I will go and change my outfit and then lay in my bed." She says and groans as she gets up. "Okay, I will go to my room and I will see you later." She says "Yeah okay, bye." Kendall says and then I hear the room door opening and then closing again. I then hear some shuffling and the next moment the bedroom door gets open. Kendall opens the door and looks me right away into my eyes "OMG!" She screams and runs over to me.

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