Chapter 62. First encounters

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Place - living room
Time - 9:33am
People - just you

Your sitting In the living room watching Colby's old videos and learning more ab him. You watch the truth or drink pt 2 video and your jaw drops when you see the outfit he is wearing.

K: y/n?
Y: down here
K: oh ok coming

You pause the vid and kat sits next to your with an iced coffee.

Y: hi
K: good morning! How are you
Y: eh.
K: what's up
Y: so me and Sam yesterday were prank calling people, remember Chris?
K: what did he say now
Y; that I slept with him when I was sadly dating Jake
K: Sam didn't believe him right
Y: well-
K: Sam!
Y: no kat it's fine
K: let me talk to him
Y: kat wait

Kat gets up and goes back upstairs and you zone out. You ruin your relationship with Sam now might be the cause to ruin theirs.

You put your AirPods in and start listening to music. You play your favorite song and then you think of the night you and Colby met. You keep playing the first kiss in your head and you smile. After the song is over, you go on tiktok and start scrolling. It doesn't interest you, then you go on to insta. You look at your dms and your eyes widen as you're in shock. You have so many dms you can scrolls for an hour.

You click on the first one and see it's a fan and you smile.

?: hi my names Madison and I'm such a big fan I've been watching the vids with you in them and you and Colby are so cute together. Your also so pretty omfg I wanna look like you. My birthdays tomorrow and I was wondering if you can say happy bday? It would make my life sm better. Love you y/n!!!

You softly smile and FaceTime her. You wait and then it answers.

M: oh my god is this happening
Y: hi! Happy early birthday!
M: oh my gosh thank you so much your so pretty Ilysm

You softly laugh.

Y: ily too! Your so beautiful!!
M: thank you so much your like.. gorg

You smile and talk to her for a few more minutes.

Y: well Colby's out so I can't call him down. Sorry
M: it's fine! I wanted to talk to you actually, but fan of you.
Y: me?
M: um yeah! You have a huge fan base on tiktok
Y: wait fr
M: yeah! Can I give you my acc?
Y: go for it!

She sends you her tiktok and you follow it. You say your goodbyes and then look at all the other DMs and you find so pretty hateful ones. You decide to stop looking but soon after keep looking. "Your so ugly Colby doesn't like you" "he's faking the love" " he only likes you bc he's friends with kat" "he likes stas more" "attention seeker" "fat whore" tears start rolling Down your cheek and you put your phone down. You bring your knees to your chest and burst into tears.

You remember the razor you saw earlier and you keep thinking of it but you say no.

Y: stop. Stop!

You yell at yourself. You can't do it anymore and you run up the stairs and lock yourself in the bathroom.

With kat and Sam -

K: you believe her now right
S: ig
K: Sam she loves Colby more then anything. First night they met they were in the same bed
S: ...
K: please Sam. Don't do this to her now
S: fine.
K: thanks.
S: what was that?

He heard the door slam and it caught their attention. They both knock on the door and your in the corner of the bathroom with your hands covering your face and your knees to your chest.

K: y/n?
Y: go away
S: y/n your not..
Y: go!!
K: oh my god open the door right now
Y: kat go away now
K: y/n-

You say in tears.

Y: I'm ok.

You say. You can tell that they're still at the door but you get up anyways to get a new razor from the drawer.

S: y/n don't do this
Y: I'll do what I want

You take the razor off and roll up your sleeve.

K: she wouldn't do that.
S: kat-
K: I'm trusting her on this one. She's going through some tuff stuff right now
S: ok..

They walk away and the razor is still hovering over your wrist. You keep thinking of all the hate and negative thoughts and you make the first cut.

Y: fuck

You realize what you just did and your heart drops.

Y: fuck.

You quickly stand up and look for the rolled up bandages and you tie it on. You hide the razor and you clean up the blood drops on the floor. You stare at your wrist and then you realize you left your phone down stairs. You pull your sleeve over the bandage and run to get your phone. You quickly go put on your crocks then you get in your car and immediately call stas.

Y: answer.
S: hey what's up?
Y: I did it
S: ..did what?
Y: ...
S: y/n..
Y: idk what I was doing I-
S: oh my god..
Y: I'm coming over rn
S: I'll get the stuff ready

You hang up and start driving over to stas's place. You go knock on her door, and she opens the door then gives you a long hug.

S: well visit Colby after ok?
Y: ok.
S: let's get that cleaned up for you
Y: ok
S: how many cuts are there?
Y: only 1
S: ok good, come on

You sit down at the kitchen table as she brings over alcohol wipes and then some new bandages. (Sorry if there's more stuff I'm leaving out)

She unties the current bandage and puts in some gloves on. She takes out the wipe and holds your hand. She rubs it over the cut and you pull back because of how much it stings.

Y: sorry
S: we have to clean it
Y: mhm
S: ok, you got it. 3, 2, 1.

She cleans your cut and then bandages it back up. You smile and give her a hug.

Y: thanks stas
S: of course y/n, I'm always here for you.

You smile and hold the hug.

Y: oh my god
S: what?
Y: what's Colby gunna say when he wakes up
S: oh y/n. He'll be so comforting and supportive
Y: are you sure
S: 100% sure. He knows what your going through.
Y: what?
S: he never told you did he.
Y: tell me what
S: he used to self harm too.

Your heart drops and you close your eyes.

S: who knows you did it
Y: you
S: just me?
Y: yeah
S: why'd you do it?
Y: ...
S: y/n
Y: all the negative things got to me
S: like?
Y: hate

Stas freezes and she just looks at you. She slowly shakes her head and looks down then opens her mouth to talk.

S: don't ever let people get to you. People are psycho, I used to always get stealth threats from Colby fan girls
Y: oh damn
S: it was pretty Intense. Ok let's go visit Colby now
Y: ok!

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