Chapter 32. Exploring!

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Place - woods
People - you and Colby
Time - 7:06pm

Y: holy wow it's dark.
C: actually? I didnt know that!
Y: shut up!
C: make me

You both laugh and keep walking along the path.

C: you know what would be cool rn?
Y: what?
C: if we came across an abandoned building
Y: ooo what would we do there?
C: explore? What else would we do
Y: idk. That's why I'm asking
C: smart.
Y: thanks

You both laugh and you see a random pile of grass.

Y: hey Colby I think you need to touch some grass
C: what?! Back to you all the way.

You guys walk to a field where you could see the whole sky and stars and you put down some of your blankets.

C: this is so pretty.

He lays down next to you and puts his hands under his head and sighs.

C: nature amazes me.
Y: it's such a beautiful thing.

Colby holds your hand and keeps looking up. I bet he didn't do this with shea. You keep thinking. No, it's me and him right now. Stop thinking of her.

You roll over on your side and you close your eyes.

C: don't close your eyes, your not sleeping
Y: never said I was
C: look like it
Y: how?
C: cause your eyes are closed?!

He laughs at you and rolls over onto his side too. It's like You two are trapped looking into each others eyes and you can't escape.

Y: your eyes are so pretty in the moonlight.
C: look at yours.

He softly kisses you and smiles into the kiss. He pushes your hair behind your ear and he looks at you.

C: so pretty.

You smile and snuggle up next to him. He wraps his arms around you and sighs.

Y: thank you.
C: I mean it's true
Y: I literally love you so much.
C: well then I literally love you so much too.

You laugh because he was mocking you by saying literally, but you found it funny. You lay on top on him and use his chest as a pillow.

Y: tomorrow I'm getting your cologne.
C: then I'm getting your perfume
Y: got it.
C: I'll buy both
Y: I think I can afford some perfume.
C: i never said you couldn't, I just said I will

You sigh knowing you wouldn't be able to change his mind. You guys turn your attention over to the woods.

Y: what was that
C: let's go find out!
Y: ok

You pack your stuff up and put it all In Your bag. Colby takes you hand and he leads you over to where the sound came from. Instead of holding onto his hand. You also hold onto his arm.

C: your going to be ok. I'm here

You nod and you guys come closer to where the sounds came from.

Y: look!

You point over to an abandoned building at least a mile away.

C: wow! Nice catch, wanna go?
Y: sure! Let's go!

You run over to the building and go inside completely ignoring that whatever made those sounds could be in there.

Once you both get inside you see a bunch of the windows are shattered, holes in walls, and broken furniture.

Y: what happened here.
C: it looks like an abandoned house
Y: it doesn't look like a house.
C: look at the furniture

You look around and see a Brocken table with an old tv and a couch with the pillows ripped off if it.

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