(7) Just the beginning

Start from the beginning

I surprised him and moved him on his back. I straddled him and winked. He gripped my thighs. "Ha! Gentle giant" I smirked. He laughed and I put my head on his chest. "Jane tired" I said caveman like. I felt his laugh rumble through his chest and it vibrated against mine. I squirmed a little. "Stop moving like that" he groaned. "Or what?" I teased.

He grabbed my butt and smacked it. I yelped. "or I'll have to spank you" he said huskily. "Mm" I hummed messing with him.

I jumped off of him and walked out the room to take a shower.


After my shower I put on some jeans and a green v-neck.

I headed downstairs because I was starved from the training. I made pizza rolls because why not?

Silas came up behind me and kissed the back of my head. I smiled.

"What took you so long?" I asked him. "You left me with a hard on, that's what took me so long" he snapped.

"Oh boo who" I teased. "I'm guessing you're not a good cook" he chimed at the pizza rolls. "I never learn my parents were always away at the hospital so I had to work with what I got" I told him.

"Well I thinks it's very sexy that you can make pizza rolls" he winked and hugged me.

My back was against his chest and I pressed my but into his crotch more. he groaned and moved away. I laughed and laid on the couch.


"How could you let this happened? Why didn't you kill the little whore? Now we have no idea where Vanessa, Oscar, or Quentin are, but we can all guess there dead" My father boomed.

"Pop I'm sorry, I'll find her and end her" I replied. "No he won't he's a pussy. I'll kill her, she won't be a problem anymore" Nora announced.

I rolled my eyes. She always has to be better than me and I'm older than her. Maybe it's because she's adopted and sucks up for love. I know what else she sucks for love.

I turned on my heels walking away. "Hey Vinny" I heard Blake yell. I tried walking faster, but he caught up.

"Did your dad give ya hell?" He asked like a numb nut. I nodded and entered my room and closed the door behind me so he couldn't come in. "okay see you tomorrow man" he said through the door and I heard him walk away.

I was going to find Jane and kill her she was becoming to much. All I wanted to do is fuck her but she was obviously a virgin and God she was boring I had to fake laugh.

I called for connections to track her down and bring her back here.


I heard soft snoring and I opened my eyes to a sleeping giant. So gentle, sweet and fine as hell.

He looked so peaceful and ugh I just wanted to kiss him just once. So I leaned in a brushed my lips against his, they were so soft. I leaned in some more and gave him a peck.

His eyes fluttered open revealing his chocolate brown eyes. Beautiful just beautiful. "Can I hold you?" He asked nervously. I nodded and he pulled me closer to him.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked. I nodded quickly and he chuckled as if he knew I was dying for him to kiss me.

He moved my hair out of my face brushing my cheek lightly and pulled me his to a soft sensual kiss. It felt like my whole world stopped and I could kiss him forever. I moaned tugging on his hair. He quickly got on top of me and deepens the kiss making it more passionate. I moaned again, he started to unbutton my jeans.

He started pulling them down along with kissing my neck to my collarbone to my tummy. When my jeans were off he kissed my lips again and bit my bottom lip. My hips bucked at his action. We moved against each other. I clung on to his as if my life depended on it.

It was getting hot so very hot. I moved my hands to pull his shirt off which he helped me with.

"Jane if we continue I don't know if I'll be able to stop and I don't want to take advantage of you" he strained his eyes dark.

Did I really want to loose my virginity right now? It was a questioned I pondered on,i had to make a decision now. My hormones were telling me yes fuck him but something was telling me wait.

"We should stop" I said softly. He nodded and then smiled at me. "Thank God I don't think I have enough experience to make your first time..if I'm right..Pleasurable, I didn't want to hurt you" he said so softly it was like a lullaby.

I nodded my body still trying to recover from the make out session we just had.

Slow down Jane.

I'm on a roll with these updates but this is a filler chapter.

So things between Silas and Jane are getting heated.
So now Vincent and Nora are after Jane.

Hopefully Jane is ready for a fight.

Not edited

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