Whats the plan?

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This chapter is extremely long, so prace yourself and get some snacks.

Y/N's POV *His side of the last few events*

Y/N: Alright well I'm here, but..... this place has no cover at all in this huge area that looks like a parking lot which means they'll see me coming. Just gotta sit here for a while and memorize who comes out, when, and what directions they look in.

*Timeskip to this morning where Carver gives his morning speech*

Y/N: Ok now I'm close enough to see inside and they won't shoot. They don't seem to worry about the little hoard on one wall. Pretty dumb if you ask me.

I walk along the wall for a minute until I come across a wall reinforced with wood, but still has some see-throughable holes. I also hear a familiar voice knowing who it was the second it became clear.

Carver: Reggie, you're nearly back in. Keep following the path, and we'll welcome you back with open arms.

Y/N: Carver.

Sarah: How'd you sleep?

Y/N: And who the fuck are you?

Whoever that was Carver glared at them.

Y/N: Jesus she better shut the hell up before she gets in trouble with Carver.

I see her talking to Clem as she tries to tell her to be quiet and pay attention.

Y/N: You better listen to Clem-

Sarah: I just thought it was nice to finally-

Y/N: Or else-

Carver: Carlos!

Y/N: Your fucked.

Carlos: Yes?

Carver: Your child seems to be in need of correction.

Carlos: I'm sorry, Sarah. Apologize to Mr.Carver.

Sarah: *Looks down* Sor-Sorry sir.

Carver: No, no. That ain't gonna cut it. I can't have this on day one of your reform. You discipline her now Carlos.

Carlos: How do you propose that I-

Carver: One GOOD smack across the mouth should do it. It'll make her think twice before opening it up again. Go on well wait.

Y/N: As much as it pains me to say, but I have to agree. A girl of her caliber who looks pampered will definitely do it.

Carlos: *Slowly raises his hand* I'm not sure that with my hand that I-

Carver: Well that's why you have two hands Carlos. Come oooooon. And not some namby pamby thing alright. A good hard SMACK. *Fake slaps* Otherwise Troy here will do it for you. I know you don't want that. He can be.... overzealous. *Looks back at Troy* Is that the word?

Troy: If it means I'll slap the shit out of her, then yeah.

Y/N: These guys are ruthless.

Carver: Come on. Just get it over with.

Clementine: It's my fault-

Troy: HEY! No one is fucking talking to you.

Carver puts his hand up to calm him down.

Carver: If you want another one of those from yesterday I'd pipe down missy.

Y/N: He hit her!? Ohhhhhhhhh Carver you done fucked up now.

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