Piece of mind

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Remember this is a Filler episode so when the next chapter comes out it'll be the next day and it will continue as normal.

Y/N In Max's POV

Max is running with the other two named Jack and Caiden through the woods while still coming in contact with freakers the more they run

Max: Where so fucked Jack! That hoard came outta nowhere and we havent had a break sense. There's walkers everywhere!

Jack is sitting down catching his breath real quick as he stands back up with his gun out.

Jack: The boat isint too far off. Just gotta get through a few more feet of grass and branches and we'll be home free.

Caiden: I hope your right about this Jack.

Jack: Don't worry Caiden. I got this.

They all continue to run as Jack sees a freaker come into view to only quickly dispose of it with a quick shot to the head.

Another is on the far left which leaves Jack to slice into the middle of its head with his machete. He kicks his machete free and continues running. Another freaker suprises Caiden causing him to fall to hold the freaker back from biting him.

Jack: Caiden watch your head!

Caiden ducks and holds the freaker up for Jack to shoot it right in between the eyes Caiden pushes it off once the freaker stopped moving and sighs in relief.

Jack: Come on! Almost there!

He holds his hand out and quickly brings Caiden to his feet so they can continue running. They finally see water and there boat just a little ways around the water.

Jack: Alright, let's go. No time to waste.

Jack goes to walk in the water.

Max: Whoa, what the fuck do you think your  doing?

Jack: Going to the boat. Where else?

Max: Through the water!? Are you nuts!? What if there is walkers in there and the drug us down to drown or they bite our ankles?

Caiden: I'd have to agree with Max on this one Jack. I really don't wanna have to do that when I have a better chance where I can move freely.

Jack: Alright fine. You know what need to do before we depart Caiden.

Caiden: Yessir!

Max: What would that be?

Jack: Just to make sure everything in the boat is in working order. Can't really depart if the boat is missing anything or has has a hole or where screwed.

Max: Ahhh yeah of course. I'll protect the boat while he checks.

Jack: I'll stay with you to take out a good number from a distance.

They all nod as they start to run around the body of water to get to the boat and they get there relatively easy. Something didn't feel right for Max and I can feel it.

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