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There was another meeting the next day. Wuxian had been wary of the food and drinks since the attempted poisoning. The entire last meeting was dealing with what he and Wangji were up to, the Yin Hu Fu which was destroyed, and Jin Guangshan plotting against Wei Wuxian.

During the meeting this time, the whereabouts of Jin Guangyao had been brought up; revealing that he has been hiding at the Moling Su Sect. It wasn't something that Wuxian and Wangji didn't already know. Wuxian remembered the threat Jin Guangyao made when his plan to seduce Xichen again failed. He said that head come after them. Wei Wuxian scoffed at the thought as he sat there twirling Chenqing.

"What?" Wangji asked when he heard Wuxian scoff.

"Just thinking," Wuxian said, "remembering how angry he was when his plan failed when he stopped by at Cloud Recesses a while back. He made empty threats and he hasn't acted on them yet."

"That is true," Wangji agreed, "I wish we had a way to get inside Moling without getting caught."

"It's a bit dangerous and risky, but I could use my paperman," Wuxian suggested, "they biggest concern about it is if I get caught and hurt, it could have an affect on my greatly."

Lan Wangji knew this of course, "which is why we should think of something else," he said.

"Well, there is something we could also try but it would require us to share energy," Wuxian said, "and we'd have to practice the technique as well for it to really work right."

"What?" Wangji asked.

"Astral projection," Wuxian said, "we would have to consult with Baoshan how it works. Since I have celestial cultivation, it would potentially work. With us as soulmates, our energy is linked and shared."

Lan Wangji nodded, "then we will meet with her and see what we can do."

Astral projection was supposed to be as you say, an out of body experience, meaning leaving the body while sleeping; a sensation of the consciousness, spirit, or "astral body" leaving the physical body. With this idea, Lan Wangji was trying to consider the pros and cons of it. They wouldn't be seen by anyone, but they would potentially be using a large amount of spiritual energy. This was all to gather information on why Jin Guangyao may be planning.

The meeting was over and everyone would meet again in three days to give everyone a chance to think of some ideas of getting more information. Wuxian and Wangji told Xichen they'd be back soon and went to see Baoshan.

"Learning Astral Projection is no joke. If it is done incorrectly, it will cause a serious backlash to your spiritual energy and your health. As you both have such high levels of energy it may be a bit easier but not without some precautions," Baoshan said.

"How can we practice it? Unless you know of another way for us to get information about Jin Guangyao," Wuxian said.

"A'Ying, aside from celestial cultivation, you can use demonic cultivation," she said and lead us to a library filled with thousands of books and scrolls and scriptures. She then lead us to a more secluded area of the library, to a separate room, where she had placed all of the Wei family textbooks, scrolls, and scriptures on demonic energy, "hear you can research all of your Wei family secrets. They left behind all these for you for when you were ready. I'm sure there is something here in these books that can help you," she then turned to Wangji, "you can either help him or you can just spend time here in the library as he works and make sure to take care of him to not overwork himself."

"Thank you, Wai Po," Wangji said, "I will help him, and I know how engrossed he can get with his work."

"Good boy," Baoshan said, "if you need me I will be outside. I will come get you both for dinner, okay?"

"Okay," Wuxian said and watched her leave.

Wei Wuxian looked at the large room in front of him, "from what I have learned at the moment, I now see may be only a small fraction of what I could possibly do...I may need your help."

"Always will help my Wei Ying," Wangji said, "but you know more about resentment than me. I would need a crash course on it before I know what to look for."

Wei Wuxian saw that the books were perfectly organized and labeled, "maybe I could use a refresher on it as well," he said looking at the books that were for the introduction and basic information and concepts or demonic energy and resentment, "these are all books that could be read first. They are the basic concepts of it."

"What is your experience with it first before we look further into it?" Wangji asked. Wuxian sighed and sat down at the nearby desk. Wangji followed and sat beside him, "you know I will never judge you, especially for anything that happened during the campaign."

Wei Wuxian nodded, "well, when I first used it I didn't have a golden core. I would have to read my family's books on it but I am not sure if they had special cores for the use of the energy. All I know is the first time I remember coming into contact with it...it was when we were facing the water abyss at Biling Lake."

"That was the first experience you remember?" He asked.

Wuxian nodded, "at the time, it was so drilled in my head that it was tainted energy and it could harm me severely. The moment it came into contact with me was when I fell into the water. Even though it was muffled from being underwater, I could hear screams, crying, and tormented souls. It was a huge rush of pain just in emotions alone. Then I felt it come into contact with my sink and it was very cold.

When I was tossed into the mounds, I no longer had the warmth that I had from a golden core. I didn't know if I would make it out, and since I did, there were times where I thought, would I die from my injuries that I had, from dehydration or starvation, or from the lack of warmth. It was very cold. When I came back, even though I was still injured, anytime I was touched not only hurt, but it felt like my skin was burning from the heat...until you were finally willing to touch me and I no longer felt cold whenever you held me. It didn't hurt and I never questioned why.

As for using the energy, it was difficult. I sometimes used too much of it at a time that I would have to hide away just to get rid of the stale blood I had clogged up in my chest. My body felt so fatigued, and I was exhausted a lot. I didn't sleep much as I was plagued by nightmares. When I was too tired to stand anymore, would I sleep. I didn't take good care of myself back then but I didn't feel like I had the strength to do so."

Lan Wangji sat and listened to every single word he had to say. He was learning so much from him. Wei Wuxian had never been open about his past trauma from the prewar, during the war, and from postwar. Now hearing it all, Lan Wangji was more than grateful that he had gained his husband's trust completely that he could share anything with him. Lan Wangji made it his mission to keep it that way.

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