Chapter 25 - Wrong

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After my conversation with Yoongi, I calmed down a little.

Supposedly, 'Jungkook' had found Jimin almost passed out at the convenience store he worked at, and had taken the liberty of looking after him while he was unwell, which surprised me.

I thought he was just some flirt trying to muzzle his way between Jimin and me, but maybe I was wrong.

Maybe he was a good guy after all.

As I lay on my bed, reeling over everything that had happened, I realised my fault.

I should find a way to apologise to him. He probably didn't mean for any of that to happen.

I suddenly heard the sound of a door close, followed shortly by an exaggerated sigh and feet shuffling in my direction.

Is that Jimin?

I quietly approached the door and leaned my ear flat against the surface; listening for the sound of a voice, as the footsteps passed by.

"How is he?" I heard Jin ask in a hushed tone.

"He's fine. I gave him the meal and he said he's going to eat it," a random voice said.

Wait. That's not Jimin.

I cracked the door open and saw Jin standing in the kitchen...with Jungkook.

"I appreciate you offering to cook, but I think I've definitely overstayed my welcome now. Say goodbye to the others...and tell V...I'm sorry. I really did want him to like me. I admire him a lot."

He admires me? Now I really feel like a pabo.

Jin cupped his hand on Jungkook's shoulder and sighed, "I know it's disappointing but Taehyung-ah has a hard time adjusting to new faces. He did want to meet you though. You should have seen how excited he was when he found out about you."

Don't tell him that!

"He was?"

"Yeah. He kept talking about how he wanted to make new friends. And word on the grapevine was, he even practiced what to say to you. It's sweet really."

I cringed; feeling my soul ripped out of my body.

Really Jin? You had to expose me like that?

Jungkook's face morphed into a shy smile and he nibbled at his lower lip. "Well, don't tell anyone, but I used my birthday wish last year...on him."

Jin laughed and ruffled Jungkook's hair affectionately. "You're cute, kid. You should come hang out with us again. We could have dinner together? I think we're all free tomorrow night if that suits you."

"Are you sure that's a good idea? I feel like I've already overstepped with him, and I don't really want to cause any more tension between us."

"Nonsense! We would love to have you. And as for Taehyung-ah, don't stress. He's honestly a harmless puppy."

"Okay, if you insist...Mr. World Wide Handsome," he said with a grin.

Jin blushed and covered his mouth to stifle a giggle. "Aish. You really know how to work those charms. I can see Jimin-ah has a contender now."

Jungkook laughed and his teeth flashed brightly; revealing an adorably innocent side to him that I hadn't seen before.

Now I understand why the others like him.

"So, what do you say? Fancy some dinner tomorrow night? I can make sure you sit next to Yoongi-yah. He seems to be quite fond of you," Jin said enthusiastically.

Jungkook nodded "sure", and Jin immediately engulfed him in a big hug.

"Great! I have a good feeling about this. How about 6 o'clock, here? I'll cook something really delicious," Jin said with a brilliant smile.

"Sounds like a plan. I'll bring something to share too," Jungkook responded happily.

I suddenly felt excited at the prospect of being friends now. Especially after seeing how easily Jin conversed with him.

"Oh, before you go, could I have your number? Just in case I need to get ahold of you beforehand," Jin asked, casually pulling out his phone.

"Sure. It's XXX-XXX-XXX. Just leave a voicemail if I don't answer. As I usually keep my phone on silent while I'm studying."

XXX-XXX-XXX? That's right, isn't it?

I quickly turned around and searched for my phone.

When I found the device I opened the contacts menu and saved the number under '🐰'.

Hopefully, it's right. I should double-check with Jin though, just in case. I can't risk sending a message to the wrong person.

I returned to my spy position and watched as Jungkook left the dorm.

And as soon as he was out of view, I slammed the door open and approached Jin.

"Can I have Jungkook-ssi's number too?" I asked as casually as possible.

But Jin caught on, very quickly.

"Oh, seems like someone changed their tune, huh? Why do you want it?" He asked coyly.

"Aish. I just want to apologise...okay! I don't need another lecture, Yoongi Hyung already did that."

Jin chuckled and put his hands up in the air. "Woah, calm down. I was just asking."

I rolled my eyes and gestured for him to give it to me, and he only smiled amusedly at me.

"Fine. It's XXX-XXX-XXX. But don't pick on him again, alright? I want us to all have a nice dinner tomorrow...without any fighting."

"Whatever. I said I'd apologise. Bye."

"Yah! Aish...that brat," I heard him grumble, as I closed my bedroom door again.

I walked straight to my bed and lay down; looking at the phone number in front of me.

I should wait, shouldn't I? I don't want to seem desperate or anything.

I chucked my phone on my bedside and decided a few rounds of Overwatch would be enough of a distraction from the nerves growing exponentially inside my belly.

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