Kingdoms (Part three- kiss)

Start from the beginning

2 hours passed and Mike was putting on his armor. He was starting to be grateful for the storm that shaded the light of the sun, making him harder to spot while he tried to escape with no question. Lucas and Dustin met him in the courtyard, bags on their backs, swords in their belt, just like Mike. They did not distract the guards this time. They instead, snuck away. By some miracle they were not seen, heading east and on the lookout. Rain pounded on the back of their heads as they looked up at the wall in front of them. They had not bothered to tie the rope the previous night, so it was easy to get by this time. They walked outside of the castle, feeling that perky feeling of the color returning to their skin, their shoulders felt light. 

Their pace did not slow the entire way through the woods. They traveled expertly, knowing every tree and every branch, though they had only walked by those trees twice. They passed the place where they first met the others, where they almost killed a deer. Mike smiled at the memory as they continued east. They passed a creek and the tall grass. Small purple flowers popped out of the ground and Mike subconsciously avoided stepping on them. 

The last bit of daylight peeked through behind branches, each sunbeam like a spotlight, highlighting the ivy that crawled up the tall trees, wrapping itself around the branches like a snake. The golden hour made them all look better than they usually did. It made them look happier. the birds sang their last song before nightfall as Mike and the others neared the familiar cliff.

It was almost like Mike could see the prior nights they had been there. Like he could see Will wrapping his arm, taking him to the lake, taking a leaf out of his hair. All the while Mike was falling in love. He could see him grabbing Will's arm, making him promise to come back to him. 

What would Mike do when he came back? What would he say? It was easier to talk to him when he didn't think he liked him in that way, but now he would be trying to impress Will while also maintaining his ego. 

Lucas and  Dustin kept their chain armor on, but Mike had completely rid himself of his own. He had no sword, no armor, no dagger. Perhaps he felt that there was nothing that could bring him harm in those woods. Maybe he was being too optimistic, but he did not care. In fact it hadn't even crossed his mind that there could be deadly animals or murderous men in the woods. Maybe he put too much trust in Lucas and Dustin to protect him. 

The sun painted the sky a beautiful orange for it's final act of the day. It faded behind the horizon, Lucas and Dustin started a fire to replace its light. Mike had not been able to sit down since they had been there. What if Will didn't show? What if he had been warned about trespassers from Hawkins? Maybe he was advised of danger in the woods and his father would not let him out. Mike thought about these possibilities for a very long time, but settled his mind by saying: Will is a prince, they're true to their word. He just hoped all princes were the same. 

He joined Lucas and Dustin by the fire, warming his hands as he watched the fireflies dance around in the woods. He'd never seen them before, they looked enchanting, like they were a creature of magic. He didn't disturb their peace, though he was very mesmerized by their green glow. 

Lucas and Dustin made light hearted talk, Mike would laugh at their jokes sometimes, but nonetheless he was silent. Thinking. Hoping. 

The second Mike started to feel the slightest doubt, he heard the sound of hooves beating the ground in a gallop. He say the familiar black horse with a captivating woman riding it, Max. Next to her, a white horse with a brunette for it's rider, El. 

And in the middle was Will, riding a horse with the hood of his cloak on his head, hiding himself. A smile spread across Mike's face that he had no control over. 

Max stopped her horse first, Lucas tried to help her off but she only laughed and helped herself down. Will, on the other hand, gladly took Mike's help, grabbing his hand and helping himself down.

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