- You want that I strike you perhaps, she threatened with amusement.

- Try a little to see.

At the same time, he folded his wings to dive toward the plain, accelerating his speed like an eagle. Nightjar accepted the challenge and chased him. They skimmed the grass, at times avoiding the tree trunks that remained on the plain. She was not far from him and despite her powerful wings, she had trouble catching up with him so she could put him on the ground. Several times she almost caught him but he always accelerated at the last moment to avoid the confrontation and at the same time he glanced at his pursuer with a taunting smile. Finally the half leafwing landed on the ground and stopped abruptly and the second hybrid did the same. "Look, he said cheerfully, Falcon's palace is just across the street. We've finally arrived.

By taking her eyes off him, Nightjar could see the illustrious and elaborate palace rising into the blue sky. Located in the middle of the plain, not far from a mountain, it was composed of a large main tower with others not far from it but less imposing. They seemed to be attached to compartments that were on the ground as well as on the sides. Large peaks towered over these tall buildings. As they continued to walk towards their destination, they saw several dwellings that seemed to be scattered about and the duo began to see hundreds of dragons moving up and down the great towers.

The buildings were so large that as they watched the structures grow before their eyes due to the perspective, they felt as if they were not moving forward, their silhouettes growing larger and larger. Nightjar was surprised to see that there were no or very few guards hanging around to watch their surroundings. The atmosphere was less heavy than in the Mud Kingdom. This land seemed more welcoming ; more friendly.

Nevertheless, a skywing appeared and blocked the way. She was a bright red color and was impressive with her oversized wings, typical physical traits of this clan. The stranger's horns were similar to Nightjar's but white while her claws were thin and sharp. The guard wore a simple iron breastplate adorned with the symbol of the kingdom, consisting of bird talons that were surrounded by a circle composed of rubies and amber. "May I ask in what honor you venture into the territories of the skywings? the dragoness asked politely.

- We're just passing through, Maple replied.

- You're heading for Possibility?

- Yes, but we're going around the mountains to avoid the brigands there, he added.

- Have you seen them around ?

- Once. It was on the outskirts of the Mud Kingdom, but we only saw them from a distance, Nightjar lied.

- I hope you realize that you were extremely lucky. There are more and more cases of disappearances in these territories currently. Be more careful in the future. You can pass, she said while moving aside, Try to stay only a short time. Some dragons do not look kindly on the Falcon Queen's policy of opening up to foreign tribes and therefore to dragons who are not skywings. You will not go unnoticed. If anything happens to you, let us know right away.

- Very well, good day to you, concludes Nightjar while continuing her way, followed closely by Maple.

- Thank you and have a nice stay".

They continued along a wide stone path leading to the castle and Nightjar could see the structures of the houses more clearly. Wooden beams were dotted around the walls which were consolidated with cob. At the same time, life began to emerge around them. Dragons passed by them, wandering about their businesses or looking at the newcomers curiously but trying to keep a low profile, while others admired the few stands of pottery or jewelry of varying quality scattered along the path. In the distance, she could see a few skywing dragonets having fun together, running one behind the other or fighting nicely in pairs in the grass.

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