Chapter 27

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Willow's P.O.V.

I pull the embroidered cloak drape in my shoulder close to my chest. The crisp afternoon breeze licks my exposed skin, making me slightly shiver in cold. A telltale sign that the first frost is about to arrive. The trees around us have completely shed their leaves, preparing for the darkness the cold season has to offer.

"It's almost winter," Cana speaks from beside me.

We are currently on the front porch of the house, waiting for Bleidd and Leikos to get back. They left after lunch to hunt in the nearby forest. Leikos being the next alpha of his father's pack needs to be trained to hunt and get familiar with the forest. Cana, on the other hand, decided to stay with me, spending the rest of the day gardening and baking muffins that we are currently munching while waiting for her brother and father from the forest.

"It is," I agree and look up at the almost golden sky. "I think we can expect the first snow of winter within the next few weeks." A small content smile forms on my lips, feeling excited for the first snow to arrive. I can almost imagine the lawn in front of the house being covered with snow and with the children playing in it then enjoying a great hot chocolate or a warm soup afterwards. In a moment like this, I feel like the nightmare we had faced in the past has been completely forgotten. It's been so peaceful— too peaceful.

"Does this mean we should start harvesting the rest of the vegetables in the backyard soon?" Cana asks, reminding me of the tasks that I've been procrastinating on for a little while. I know I need to harvest those before the first frost destroys it.

I turn to look at my daughter and smile. "Yes. We'll ask your father and brother for help to harvest the remaining crops tomorrow."

"That would be fun." She chirps in her sweet little voice. Cana gazes at the forest not far from the house with a hopeful look on her face. "I wish I can stay in this place a little longer." She mumbles.

I sigh and follow her gaze in the forest, hoping for my mate and my son to arrive soon.

"I hope so too, but we are staying here for the rest of the year so that's a good thing." I shrug and take a bite of the chocolate cupcake in my hand.

The packhouse has been renovated, but we're still waiting for the situation with the twins to be resolved. They've waited for five long years, and I'm not sure if fleeing from the danger is the best course of action. Personally, I believe it would be better to confront the problem head-on and put an end to it once and for all. However, Bleidd and Elran disagreed, arguing that the potential for bloodshed is too great if war were to break out.

Despite their caution, I can't shake the feeling that we're just delaying the inevitable. It is going to happen whether we like it or not, it's just a matter of time. A part of me is praying that I am wrong, but then I remember I am a part demon, so I can't really tell if my prayers are being heard by whoever supreme being is in charge of our lives.

"I'm leaving soon," Cana whispers, making me turn to her.

I frown. "What?"

She looks up at me with a gentle smile on her lips and speaks softly. "Last night, I had a dream about a beautiful woman walking with me across an autumnal forest. She said I have to bid my goodbye to you and Father because I have to take my leave soon." She explains.

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