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Willow's P.O.V.

"This is where we are going to live from now on?" Leikos asked while looking up at me. There's a sound of defeat and disappointment in his voice while looking at me.

I bit my lower lip and let out a deep sigh. The small house looks uninviting. The front yard is full of overgrown grass, the wooden floor of the front porch looks like it is about to give in when someone steps on it, and there's even some visible damage that I know I need to fix as soon as possible unless I want an unwanted shower in the house when the rainy season arrives.

I turn to Leikos and try to sound happy when the truth is I also do not like this house as much as I love our old house. "It's definitely not as cosy or as comfortable as our house in the countryside, but with a little bit of fixing here and there, I promise it will look almost like our old home."

"But it's not near the beach. It will never feel like home." Cana comments as she gets out of the car while looking around the place with curious eyes.

Liekos gives her a glance before turning his eyes back to me. He doesn't need to say anything to tell me that he agrees with his twin sister.

I can't help but smile knowing my twins love the beach as much as I do. It was a rush decision for me to leave our home, but staying was not an option for us either. We must leave unless I want to put the twins in grave danger. I need to do what I need to do to protect them, even if that means leaving my sanctuary and spending almost all of my life savings to buy this rundown house in the middle of the metropolis.

"I know it's not near the beach, but there are many tall buildings in here, malls, and you guys can explore the nearby park as well. Isn't that fun?" I try my best to appear cheerful, but who am I kidding? I hate city life. The hustle and bustle will never be for me.

The two kids nod as a response. I smile at the two before turning to enter the gate of the house. The twins follow me from behind, taking my lead. The pathway is made of gravel and stones, and I made a mental note of how I will fix this front yard to give it a look that semblance to our old house. Maybe the two kids will be more accepting if this place gives off a vibe similar to our old home.

The porch lets out a squeaky sound when I step on it, but it didn't fall apart under my weight so I'm going to count that as a win. I take out the keys that the real estate agent gave me and open the front door. The smell of dust and old musty wood invaded my senses, making me scrunch my nose.

"So, this is it. Our new home for the next months or maybe years?" I told the kids. There are a few pieces of wooden furniture laying around that needs dusting, but from the looks of it, I still need to buy a lot more if I want the kids to be comfortable while staying here.

Leikos turned to me with a disheartened look on his face. "Mom, are you really serious about this move? This house looks like it's about to fall apart any second."

I pull the little pup close to me and place a kiss on his forehead. "Look, mommy needs to do this. I know change is hard, but I promise it will be worth it." The twins will be much safer here, so I know it will definitely be going to be more than worth it.

"Fine." He pouts.

"You know what. This house has two rooms on the 2nd floor. How about you and Cana check out the rooms on the second floor to see which one you would like to have?" I tell them with an encouraging smile on my lips.

At the mention of the word room, the twins sped up to the 2nd floor, and I was left behind looking at the stair to the second floor. I exhale and let myself release the tension in my chest. I feel bad for the kids, but as a responsible mother, I have to do this for them.

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