Chapter 23

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Bleidd's P.O.V.

"What took you so long?" The woman asks as she rises from the root of the tree where she is sitting. Her eyes switch back and forth between me and Elran who is standing right beside me.

My eyes narrow into slits while staring at her. She's human, and looks so small and vulnerable, standing at probably around 5'3" compared to my 6'2" height.

It was very unexpected when she brought room service last night with a piece of paper on one of the plates, asking me to meet her in a clearing in the forest not far from the hotel. When I saw the note, I wanted to inform Willow about it. However, seeing how disoriented she looked after waking up from the trial and remembering the panic in her voice from yesterday when she received a note, I decided not to tell her. I pocketed the piece of paper and pretended like everything was normal.

It's a good thing she needed the privacy to talk to Olivia about the trial, I got an excuse to leave the hotel without needing to come up with any alibi.

"This clearing is technically not the easiest to find," I reply. I unconsciously roam my eyes around us. I find it odd how she chose this place for us to meet on her own. It is as if she's confident that a werewolf and a demon won't be able to do her any harm in an isolated area like this.

"I gave your mate a warning to leave this place yesterday. I expected all of you to be checking out already, but here we are anyway." The woman hiss, her eyes giving us a disapproving look.

"She's cute and feisty, I like her." Elran grins from beside me, making the woman roll her eyes in irritation.

"You need to leave." She demands, giving emphasis on the last word.

I cock my left eyebrow while looking at her. "So, it was you who left that note she received yesterday. We would have left if I hadn't been able to reach my beta. But I was able to contact him yesterday afternoon, and he said they were able to capture the people who were sent after the twins. They are currently being detained for attempted kidnapping. We're not leaving until we put an end to this."

"There is no easy way to end this. You would have to murder almost everyone in the town for it to end. Just leave and take the twins far away so they can't reach you! This place is not safe, even for shifters or demons!" She insists. There is an urgency in her voice, and I can sense the fear and worry radiating off her.

I give Elran a quick glance. As a blood demon, Elran would be more than happy to feed on the agony and death of humans. I remember his words when we went to the marshland where Ryan managed to retrieve Kyle's body. The place had a very grim atmosphere as a result of the bloodshed from unknowing victims. And now this woman in front of us is claiming that we will need to murder almost everyone living in this town for it to end. This is getting so much more interesting.

"The whole town is involved in this?" I clarify.

"Congrats, Sherlock, you cracked the code," she retorts sarcastically. "Now leave and get out of this town and never come back!"

I let out a harsh breath. For someone so small, this woman sure has fire in her. "One of my pack warriors was killed. If you expect me to turn my back without giving him the justice he deserves, you are completely mistaken," I reply firmly, my voice leaving no room for argument.

"What happened to him will happen to you if you don't follow my words. The mistress is dangerous," she warns, her eyes flashing with a mix of fear and determination. "Have you seen any shifters around? None. All of them have been killed and taken as a sacrifice to the mistress. I helped Fiona escape five years ago to save the twins. She gave her life to save them. Please don't let that go to waste."

The Alpha's Secret Twin BabiesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon