Chapter 17

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Willow's P.O.V.

I close the door behind me as my tiya walks towards the corpse to get a closer look at Kyle's body. A deafening silence fills the room as the outside noise has been blocked off by the metal door. I feel the urge to hug myself, suddenly feeling vulnerable for no apparent reason.

I walk closer towards Olivia who is now in the process of removing the white cloth that's covering Kyle's body. A gasp escapes her lips upon seeing it herself. Kyle's death is something that will make you shiver in fear if you hate insects, but also will make you wonder how is this kind of death possible.

"They need to burn the body." My tiya says as she looks up to meet my gaze. "Why they haven't done anything to the body yet?"

I walk towards her and look at Kyle's lifeless face. He looks so peaceful despite. This reminds me of Elran's claims that Kyle didn't suffer before his death. He died peacefully. Which doesn't make sense at all because he was murdered. How can one die peacefully after suffering this kind of death?

"They are trying to understand first how he was killed. Bleidd and the others are investigating the location where Kyle was killed. I reckon once they figure out the information of how he was killed and who killed him, they will burn the body." I explain.

My tiya looks at me with a solemn expression on her face. The gravity in her gaze makes me feel almost overwhelmed. A vile taste rises in my throat, and I know right then that she has terrible news to lay on the table. She covers Kyle's body with white linen again as she lets out a deep exhale.

"What is it?" I ask, curious if she has already a conclusion on what happened to Kyle.

"A lakvia." She mumbles in a very low tone.

"Lakvia?" I parrot with a frown etched on my face, making sure that I heard her correctly.

Olivia nods in response. "It's a vile creature that feeds on the hearts of men and children," she explains. "A dark nymph with the beautiful face of a woman, but with the lower body of a snake. Legend has it that she uses her beauty to lure unsuspecting victims into the forest or swamp, only to kill and devour them in the end. It's said that she resides in places where she can easily conceal her presence."

"That kind of creature exists within us?" My gaze turns to Kyle with disbelief written on my face. Seeing the damage on half of his body is proof that he was killed by a supernatural being. A human is not capable of doing this, a werewolf or a vampire can't inflict this kind of damage on its enemy. A demon can be a culprit for it, but if it is, Elran will know. So maybe my tiya is right. Fear begins to loom inside my chest as the memory of last night returns to me. The devil had warned me about the enemy and explained how powerful it is. "How can we destroy it?" I ask and look at my tiya, a tinge of desperation hinting in my voice.

To my dismay, Olivia slowly shakes her head in response. "I don't know how to," she admits. "They're one of those creatures that, once you meet them, you're most likely not going to live the next day to tell the tale. There's no known weakness, and they're immortal."

Elran is powerful on his own so is Bleidd. Surely, they can do something about this. Right? Then that reminds me of something. The people who've been following us in the metropolis. Who are they? And what is their connection to the Lakvia?

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