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After a brief talk in the living room with everyone, Jimin led his guests into a dining room where a spread was laid upon the table by the housekeeping. Most of them were Japanese and Korean dishes, so Runa was excited to try the few she hadn't, and she listened to Jimin talk about how he grew up with Dong-Wook happily eating and Jungkook sitting beside her with an untouched plate.

It was interesting to hear how he grew up. Much like her, he didn't get a lot of affection from his adoptive father but his mother was a different story. It was comforting to hear that though the late mafia boss wasn't the most loving, he always cared and treated for his son. Just like how every other mafia heir was raised, there was a rigorous schedule every day of the week.

It seems that in Russia, the training was a lot more complex and difficult due to the number of techniques they had to learn and if you didn't master those in time...let's just say you got a beating. But much like his sister, he was an overachiever and excelled at everything he did.

She too spoke about her childhood, including her close friend and ex-boyfriend Yoongi who has been there from practically the start. Jimin had a look of distaste when she mentioned the Min heir, but he was being playful of course and they shared a laugh. Jimin knew about the situation with Yoongi since he encouraged it, thinking that having someone on the inside of another powerful crime family would make a difference in gaining more information about Min-Su.

He had the perfect plan in his mind which would later be discussed but for now, they enjoyed an early dinner just catching up on life and trading war stories as the underboss liked to call it. In her heart, being here with these men felt like for once she had a true family, that she belonged.

That's something that she's always wanted to have but knew it was never realistic because her mother was deceased and her father was a cold-hearted bastard who never tended to his fatherly duties. Let alone look her in the eye when she was speaking to him or vice versa.

It felt tense just talking about him, but with Jimin casually nodding along and looking at her intently so she knew she was heard, it felt reassuring. When Dong-Wook made the sudden change of topic towards Yoongi, she was both grateful to get her father's name out of her mouth and ungrateful because of the man that was currently being spoken about, especially by that sly smirk on the consigliere's face.

"What's that face for? Please don't embarrass me", Runa quickly says before the man can let out a word, and he holds his hand up.

"I won't..."

Her eyes give him a warning but the older man can't help but love embarrassing her so he says the exact thing she was dreading and makes her cheeks flush with embarrassment, her mouth hanging open.

"Yoongi was her sex slave and she broke his heart."

Jimin chokes on his food and Runa sends the smirking man the deadliest glare he's ever seen. Yet that mischief never faltered from his features and her brother couldn't help but laugh to ease the tension and embarrassment he knew she felt.

"So you're a heartbreaker then? Dong-Wook spared me the details about what exactly you're relationship was about because I knew for certain it wasn't because you had feelings for the man", Jimin said with a hint of a smirk on his face while he popped a grilled shrimp in his mouth, humming in delight.

"It wasn't like that...Dong-Wook here is just trying to embarrass me", she grits out through her teeth, raising a warning brow at the man across from her who just sat back and sipped his red wine.

She wasn't gonna lie and say she was used to Dong-Wook being so playful and talkative. But maybe he was happy to have the siblings reunite. In a way, he's looked after both of them separately for so very long, so it wasn't surprising with how comfortable they all were with each other.

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